
Glumetza patents expiration

Drug Patent Number Company Drug Patent Title Drug Patent Expiry Activity Alert
These drug patents protects the active chemical substance. Only drug patent owner can launch products that use this active substance.
US6635280 SANTARUS INC Extending the duration of drug release within the stomach during the fed mode
Sep, 2016

(7 years ago)

US6340475 SANTARUS INC Extending the duration of drug release within the stomach during the fed mode
Sep, 2016

(7 years ago)

US6488962 SANTARUS INC Tablet shapes to enhance gastric retention of swellable controlled-release oral dosage forms
Jun, 2020

(3 years ago)

US6723340 SANTARUS INC Optimal polymer mixtures for gastric retentive tablets
Oct, 2021

(2 years ago)

US7780987 SANTARUS INC Controlled release dosage forms
Mar, 2025

(10 months from now)

These drug patents focus on the other aspects of the active substance like dosage, mode of administration (oral, tablet, capsules, liquids etc).
US8323692 SANTARUS INC Controlled release dosage forms
Mar, 2023

(1 year, 28 days ago)

Glumetza is owned by Santarus Inc.

Glumetza contains Metformin Hydrochloride.

Glumetza has a total of 6 drug patents out of which 5 drug patents have expired.

Expired drug patents of Glumetza are:

  • US8323692
  • US6635280
  • US6340475
  • US6488962
  • US6723340

Glumetza was authorised for market use on 03 June, 2005.

Glumetza is available in tablet, extended release;oral dosage forms.

Glumetza can be used as indication of type ii diabetes.

The generics of Glumetza are possible to be released after 23 March, 2025.

Drugs and Companies using METFORMIN HYDROCHLORIDE ingredient

Market Authorisation Date: 03 June, 2005

Treatment: Indication of type ii diabetes


How can I launch a generic of GLUMETZA before it's drug patent expiration?
More Information on Dosage

GLUMETZA family patents

Family Patents