Santarus Inc Drug Patent Portfolio

Santarus Inc owns 1 orange book drug protected by 6 US patents Given below is the list of Santarus Inc's drug patents along with their expiration dates.

Drug Patent Number Drug Patent Title Drug Patent Expiry Status
US7780987 Controlled release dosage forms 23 Mar, 2025
US8323692 Controlled release dosage forms 23 Mar, 2025
US6723340 Optimal polymer mixtures for gastric retentive tablets 25 Oct, 2021 Expired
US6488962 Tablet shapes to enhance gastric retention of swellable controlled-release oral dosage forms 20 Jun, 2020 Expired
US6340475 Extending the duration of drug release within the stomach during the fed mode 19 Sep, 2016 Expired
US6635280 Extending the duration of drug release within the stomach during the fed mode 19 Sep, 2016 Expired

Given below is the list of recent legal activities going on the following drug patents of Santarus Inc.

Activity Date Patent Number
Patent litigations
Payment of Maintenance Fee, 12th Year, Large Entity 26 Jan, 2022 US7780987 (Litigated)
Payment of Maintenance Fee, 8th Year, Large Entity 04 Jun, 2020 US8323692
Review Certificate Mailed 26 Jul, 2018 US6723340 (Litigated)
Review Certificate 09 Jul, 2018 US6723340 (Litigated)
Review Certificate Mailed 09 Feb, 2018 US6635280
Payment of Maintenance Fee, 8th Year, Large Entity 02 Feb, 2018 US7780987 (Litigated)
Review Certificate 14 Dec, 2017 US6635280
File Marked Found 25 Apr, 2016 US6723340 (Litigated)
File Marked Found 18 Feb, 2016 US6723340 (Litigated)
File Marked Found 12 Feb, 2016 US6723340 (Litigated)
Termination or Final Written Decision 21 Sep, 2015 US6635280
Termination or Final Written Decision 16 Sep, 2015 US6723340 (Litigated)
Termination or Final Written Decision 08 Jul, 2015 US6635280
Request for Trial Granted 29 Sep, 2014 US6635280
Request for Trial Denied 29 Sep, 2014 US6635280

Santarus Inc's Drug Patent Litigations

Santarus Inc's drugs have been subject to various legal proceedings, including patent litigations. The earliest legal proceeding was initiated on Apr 17, 2014, against patent number US6723340. The petitioner Endo Pharmaceutical Inc. et al., challenged the validity of this patent, with DepoMed, Inc. as the respondent. Click below to track the latest information on how companies are challenging Santarus Inc's patents.

Patent Proceeding Filing Date Status Respondent Petitioner
Patent litigations
US6340475 April, 2014 Final Written Decision
(21 Sep, 2015)
Depomed, Inc. Endo Pharmaceutical Inc. et al.
US6635280 April, 2014 Final Written Decision
(21 Sep, 2015)
Depomed, Inc. Endo Pharmaceutical Inc. et al.
US6723340 April, 2014 Final Written Decision
(16 Sep, 2015)
DepoMed, Inc. Endo Pharmaceutical Inc. et al.
US6340475 January, 2014 FWD Entered
(08 Jul, 2015)
Depomed, Inc. Purdue Pharma L.P.
US6635280 January, 2014 FWD Entered
(08 Jul, 2015)
DepoMed, Inc. Purdue Pharma L.P.
US6340475 April, 2014 Institution Denied
(29 Sep, 2014)
Depomed, Inc. Endo Pharmaceutical Inc. et al.
US6635280 April, 2014 Institution Denied
(29 Sep, 2014)
Depomed, Inc. Endo Pharmaceutical Inc. et al.
US6723340 April, 2014 Institution Denied
(29 Sep, 2014)
DepoMed, Inc. Endo Pharmaceutical Inc. et al.

Santarus Inc's Family Patents

Santarus Inc drugs have patent protection in a total of 15 countries. It's US patent count contributes only to 40.5% of its total global patent coverage. 5 countries have all of their patents expired or invalidated which has opened up potential generic launch opportunities in these countries. Click below to unlock the full patent family tree.

Family Patents

Santarus Inc Drug List

Given below is the complete list of Santarus Inc's drugs and the patents protecting them.

1. Glumetza

Glumetza is protected by 6 patents, out of which 4 have expired. Check out its patent list below.

Drug Patent Number Drug Patent Title Drug Patent Expiry Status
US7780987 Controlled release dosage forms 23 Mar, 2025
(5 months from now)
US8323692 Controlled release dosage forms 23 Mar, 2025
(5 months from now)
US6723340 Optimal polymer mixtures for gastric retentive tablets 25 Oct, 2021
(2 years ago)
US6488962 Tablet shapes to enhance gastric retention of swellable controlled-release oral dosage forms 20 Jun, 2020
(4 years ago)
US6340475 Extending the duration of drug release within the stomach during the fed mode 19 Sep, 2016
(8 years ago)
US6635280 Extending the duration of drug release within the stomach during the fed mode 19 Sep, 2016
(8 years ago)

Discover which of these patents contain the active ingredient(API) of the drug, their family patents, along with litigation and legal activity details of these patents on Glumetza's drug page

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