
Liletta patents expiration

LILETTA's oppositions filed in EPO
Drug Patent Number Company Drug Patent Title Drug Patent Expiry Activity Alert
These drug patents focus on the other aspects of the active substance like dosage, mode of administration (oral, tablet, capsules, liquids etc).
US11090186 MEDICINES360 Methods for using intrauterine systems and IUD insertion devices
Oct, 2033

(9 years from now)

US10028858 MEDICINES360 Intrauterine systems, IUD insertion devices, and related methods and kits therefor
Mar, 2034

(9 years from now)

US11571328 MEDICINES360 IUD insertion devices
Sep, 2040

(16 years from now)

Liletta is owned by Medicines360.

Liletta contains Levonorgestrel.

Liletta has a total of 3 drug patents out of which 0 drug patents have expired.

Liletta was authorised for market use on 26 February, 2015.

Liletta is available in intrauterine device;intrauterine dosage forms.

Liletta can be used as a method for prevention of pregnancy.

The generics of Liletta are possible to be released after 07 September, 2040.

Drug Exclusivity Drug Exclusivity Expiration
New Indication(I-917) Jun 29, 2026
New Product(NP) Feb 26, 2018

Drugs and Companies using LEVONORGESTREL ingredient

Market Authorisation Date: 26 February, 2015

Treatment: A method for prevention of pregnancy


More Information on Dosage

LILETTA family patents

Family Patents