Sandoz Drug Patent Portfolio
Sandoz owns 21 orange book drugs protected by 65 US patents with Argatroban having the least patent protection, holding only 1 patent. And Focalin Xr with maximum patent protection, holding 8 patents. Given below is the list of Sandoz's drug patents along with their expiration dates.
Drug Patent Number | Drug Patent Title | Drug Patent Expiry | Status |
US8268299 | Self preserved aqueous pharmaceutical compositions | 13 Oct, 2029 | Active |
US7582727 | Pharmaceutical formulations of bivalirudin and processes of making the same | 27 Jan, 2029 | Active |
US7598343 | Pharmaceutical formulations of bivalirudin and processes of making the same | 27 Jan, 2029 | Active |
US7932241 | Pharmaceutical products comprising bisphosphonates | 05 Aug, 2028 | Active |
US7582727 | Pharmaceutical formulations of bivalirudin and processes of making the same | 27 Jul, 2028 | Active |
US7598343 | Pharmaceutical formulations of bivalirudin and processes of making the same | 27 Jul, 2028 | Active |
US7932241 | Pharmaceutical products comprising bisphosphonates | 05 Feb, 2028 | Active |
US8323630 | Self-preserved aqueous pharmaceutical compositions | 20 Sep, 2027 | Active |
US8388941 | Self preserved aqueous pharmaceutical compositions | 20 Sep, 2027 | Active |
US7265117 | Topical brimonidine tartrate formulations that lack chlorine dioxide | 19 Aug, 2025 | Active |
US8846650 | Method of treating middle ear infections | 04 Jun, 2025 | Active |
US8158645 | Compound, corresponding compositions, preparation and/or treatment methods | 10 Dec, 2024 | Expired |
US8052987 | Method of administering bisphosphonates | 27 Oct, 2023 | Expired |
US9149486 | Method of treating middle ear infections | 13 Sep, 2022 | Expired |
US9345714 | Method of treating middle ear infections | 13 Sep, 2022 | Expired |
US9402805 | Method of treating middle ear infections | 13 Sep, 2022 | Expired |
US6242003 | Organic compounds | 13 Oct, 2020 | Expired |
US6284804 | Topical suspension formulations containing ciprofloxacin and dexamethasone | 10 Aug, 2020 | Expired |
US6359016 | Topical suspension formulations containing ciprofloxacin and dexamethasone | 10 Aug, 2020 | Expired |
US6242003 | Organic compounds | 13 Apr, 2020 | Expired |
US6114319 | Compositions containing difluprednate | 18 Nov, 2019 | Expired |
US6228398 | Multiparticulate modified release composition | 01 Nov, 2019 | Expired |
US6730325 | Multiparticulate modified release composition | 01 Nov, 2019 | Expired |
US6174524 | Gelling ophthalmic compositions containing xanthan gum | 26 Sep, 2019 | Expired |
US6114319 | Compositions containing difluprednate | 18 May, 2019 | Expired |
US6174524 | Gelling ophthalmic compositions containing xanthan gum | 26 Mar, 2019 | Expired |
US6316023 | TTS containing an antioxidant | 08 Jan, 2019 | Expired |
US6335031 | TTS containing an antioxidant | 08 Jan, 2019 | Expired |
US6162802 | Synergistic combination therapy using benazepril and amlodipine for the treatment of cardiovascular disorders and compositions therefor | 19 Dec, 2017 | Expired |
US5424295 | 9-β-D-arabinofuranasyl-2-amino-6-methaoxy-9H-purine | 13 Jun, 2017 | Expired |
US5854270 | Oral compositions containing ondansetron | 20 May, 2016 | Expired |
US5955488 | Freeze-dried compositions | 14 May, 2016 | Expired |
US6063802 | Ondansetron freeze-dried dosage form compositions for oral administration | 14 May, 2016 | Expired |
US5908850 | Method of treating attention deficit disorders with d-threo methylphenidate | 04 Dec, 2015 | Expired |
US6355656 | Phenidate drug formulations having diminished abuse potential | 04 Dec, 2015 | Expired |
US6528530 | Phenidate drug formulations having diminished abuse potential | 04 Dec, 2015 | Expired |
US5837284 | Delivery of multiple doses of medications | 04 Dec, 2015 | Expired |
US6635284 | Delivery of multiple doses of medications | 04 Dec, 2015 | Expired |
US7431944 | Delivery of multiple doses of medications | 04 Dec, 2015 | Expired |
US5854270 | Oral compositions containing ondansetron | 20 Nov, 2015 | Expired |
US5955488 | Freeze-dried compositions | 14 Nov, 2015 | Expired |
US6063802 | Ondansetron freeze-dried dosage form compositions for oral administration | 14 Nov, 2015 | Expired |
US5196404 | Inhibitors of thrombin | 15 Jun, 2015 | Expired |
US5843930 | Method of treating otitis with ciprofloxacin-hydrocortisone suspension | 06 Jun, 2015 | Expired |
US5965549 | Ciprofloxacin-hydrocortisone suspension | 06 Jun, 2015 | Expired |
US5674872 | Treatment of ovarian cancer | 07 Apr, 2015 | Expired |
US5196404 | Inhibitors of thrombin | 15 Dec, 2014 | Expired |
US5889052 | Use of cloprostenol and fluprostenol analogues to treat glaucoma and ocular hypertension | 02 Dec, 2014 | Expired |
US5674872 | Treatment of ovarian cancer | 07 Oct, 2014 | Expired |
US5656286 | Solubility parameter based drug delivery system and method for altering drug saturation concentration | 12 Aug, 2014 | Expired |
US5214052 | Method for dissolving arginineamides and pharmaceutical compositions containing them | 30 Jun, 2014 | Expired |
US5602176 | Phenyl carbamate | 11 Feb, 2014 | Expired |
US6024976 | Solubility parameter based drug delivery system and method for altering drug saturation concentration | 07 Jan, 2014 | Expired |
US5510383 | Use of cloprostenol, fluprostenol and their salts and esters to treat glaucoma and ocular hypertension | 03 Aug, 2013 | Expired |
US5461081 | Topical ophthalmic pharmaceutical vehicles | 24 Apr, 2013 | Expired |
US4939130 | Substituted alkanediphosphonic acids and pharmaceutical use | 02 Mar, 2013 | Expired |
US5492897 | Method for treating T-cell lymphoblastic leukemia with ara-G nucleoside derivatives | 20 Feb, 2013 | Expired |
US5747472 | Therapeutic methods for using ARA-G derivatives | 20 Feb, 2013 | Expired |
US5821236 | Tumor treatment with arabinofuranosyl purine derivatives | 20 Feb, 2013 | Expired |
US5474783 | Solubility parameter based drug delivery system and method for altering drug saturation concentration | 12 Dec, 2012 | Expired |
US5958446 | Solubility parameter based drug delivery system and method for altering drug saturation concentration | 12 Dec, 2012 | Expired |
US5461081 | Topical ophthalmic pharmaceutical vehicles | 24 Oct, 2012 | Expired |
US5378703 | Sulfonamides useful as carbonic anhydrase inhibitors | 01 Oct, 2012 | Expired |
US4939130 | Substituted alkanediphosphonic acids and pharmaceutical use | 02 Sep, 2012 | Expired |
US4948807 | Phenyl carbamates | 14 Aug, 2012 | Expired |
Latest Legal Activities on Sandoz's Drug Patents
Given below is the list of recent legal activities going on the following drug patents of Sandoz.
Activity | Date | Patent Number |
Expire Patent
| 01 Jul, 2024 | US9345714 |
Payment of Maintenance Fee, 12th Year, Large Entity | 22 May, 2024 | US8323630 (Litigated) |
Payment of Maintenance Fee, 12th Year, Large Entity | 06 Mar, 2024 | US8268299 (Litigated) |
Maintenance Fee Reminder Mailed
| 15 Jan, 2024 | US9345714 |
Expire Patent
| 13 Nov, 2023 | US9149486 |
Payment of Maintenance Fee, 12th Year, Large Entity | 04 Oct, 2023 | US8158645 |
Maintenance Fee Reminder Mailed
| 29 May, 2023 | US9149486 |
Payment of Maintenance Fee, 12th Year, Large Entity | 26 Apr, 2023 | US8052987 (Litigated) |
Payment of Maintenance Fee, 8th Year, Large Entity | 16 Mar, 2022 | US8846650 |
Payment of Maintenance Fee, 12th Year, Large Entity | 24 Mar, 2021 | US7598343 (Litigated) |
Payment of Maintenance Fee, 12th Year, Large Entity | 17 Feb, 2021 | US7582727 |
Payment of Maintenance Fee, 8th Year, Large Entity | 21 Aug, 2020 | US8388941 |
Payment of Maintenance Fee, 8th Year, Large Entity | 21 May, 2020 | US8323630 (Litigated) |
Payment of Maintenance Fee, 8th Year, Large Entity | 05 Mar, 2020 | US8268299 (Litigated) |
Payment of Maintenance Fee, 4th Year, Large Entity | 23 Jan, 2020 | US9402805 |
Sandoz's Drug Patent Litigations
Sandoz's drugs have been subject to various legal proceedings, including patent litigations. The earliest legal proceeding was initiated on Apr 14, 1994, against patent number US6162802. The petitioner , challenged the validity of this patent, with PAPA et al as the respondent. Click below to track the latest information on how companies are challenging Sandoz's patents.
Patent | Proceeding Filing Date | Status | Respondent | Petitioner |
US8268299 | March, 2017 |
FWD Entered
(20 Sep, 2018)
| Alcon Research, Ltd. | Argentum Pharmaceuticals LLC |
US6114319 | May, 2015 |
FWD Entered
(22 Nov, 2016)
US6316023 | April, 2014 |
FWD Entered
(28 Sep, 2015)
| Novartis AG | Noven Pharmaceuticals, Inc. |
US6316023 | November, 2014 |
FWD Entered
(28 Sep, 2015)
| Novartis AG | Mylan Pharmaceuticals Inc. |
US6335031 | April, 2014 |
FWD Entered
(28 Sep, 2015)
| Novartis AG | Noven Pharmaceuticals, Inc. |
US6335031 | November, 2014 |
FWD Entered
(28 Sep, 2015)
| Novartis AG | Mylan Pharmaceuticals Inc. |
US8268299 | July, 2013 |
(21 Jul, 2014)
| ALCON RESEARCH, LTD. | Apotex Corp. |
US8323630 | July, 2013 |
(21 Jul, 2014)
| ALCON RESEARCH, LTD. | Apotex Corp. |
US8388941 | July, 2013 |
(21 Jul, 2014)
| Alcon Research, Ltd. | Apotex Corp. |
US6162802 | April, 1994 |
(04 Jul, 1776)
| PAPA et al |
Sandoz Drug Patents' Oppositions Filed in EPO
Sandoz drug patents have faced multiple oppositions in the European Patent Office. The earliest opposition was filed on Sep 21, 2006, by Strawman Limited. This opposition was filed on patent number EP02799587A. Click below to reveal the latest opposition data.
Application | Filing Date | Opposition Party | Legal Status |
EP07842925A | Mar, 2016 | Pohlman, Sandra M. | Patent maintained as amended |
EP05012711A | Jun, 2013 | Taylor Wessing LLP | Revoked |
EP05012711A | Jun, 2013 | Sanovel IIaç San. ve Tic. A.S. | Revoked |
EP05012711A | Jun, 2013 | Teva Pharmaceutical Industries LTD. | Revoked |
EP05012711A | Jun, 2013 | Actavis PTC ehf | Revoked |
EP05012711A | Mar, 2013 | Generics [UK] Limited | Revoked |
EP07842914A | Aug, 2012 | Pohlman, Sandra M. | Patent maintained as amended |
EP07842914A | Aug, 2012 | ALLERGAN, INC. | Patent maintained as amended |
EP02799587A | Sep, 2006 | STRAWMAN LIMITED | Opposition rejected |
Sandoz's Family Patents
Sandoz Drug List
Given below is the complete list of Sandoz's drugs and the patents protecting them.
1. Angiomax
Angiomax is protected by 6 patents, out of which 2 have expired. Check out its patent list below.
Drug Patent Number | Drug Patent Title | Drug Patent Expiry | Status |
| Pharmaceutical formulations of bivalirudin and processes of making the same |
27 Jan, 2029
(4 years from now)
| Active |
| Pharmaceutical formulations of bivalirudin and processes of making the same |
27 Jan, 2029
(4 years from now)
| Active |
US7582727 | Pharmaceutical formulations of bivalirudin and processes of making the same |
27 Jul, 2028
(3 years from now)
| Active |
US7598343 | Pharmaceutical formulations of bivalirudin and processes of making the same |
27 Jul, 2028
(3 years from now)
| Active |
| Inhibitors of thrombin |
15 Jun, 2015
(9 years ago)
| Expired |
US5196404 | Inhibitors of thrombin |
15 Dec, 2014
(10 years ago)
| Expired |
Discover which of these patents contain the active ingredient(API) of the drug, their family patents, along with litigation and legal activity details of these patents on Angiomax's drug page
2. Argatroban
Argatroban is protected by 1 patent, which has expired already. Check out its patent list below.
Drug Patent Number | Drug Patent Title | Drug Patent Expiry | Status |
US5214052 | Method for dissolving arginineamides and pharmaceutical compositions containing them |
30 Jun, 2014
(10 years ago)
| Expired |
Discover which of these patents contain the active ingredient(API) of the drug, their family patents, along with litigation and legal activity details of these patents on Argatroban's drug page
3. Arranon
Arranon is protected by 4 patents, out of which all have expired. Check out its patent list below.
Drug Patent Number | Drug Patent Title | Drug Patent Expiry | Status |
US5424295 | 9-β-D-arabinofuranasyl-2-amino-6-methaoxy-9H-purine |
13 Jun, 2017
(7 years ago)
| Expired |
US5492897 | Method for treating T-cell lymphoblastic leukemia with ara-G nucleoside derivatives |
20 Feb, 2013
(11 years ago)
| Expired |
US5747472 | Therapeutic methods for using ARA-G derivatives |
20 Feb, 2013
(11 years ago)
| Expired |
US5821236 | Tumor treatment with arabinofuranosyl purine derivatives |
20 Feb, 2013
(11 years ago)
| Expired |
Discover which of these patents contain the active ingredient(API) of the drug, their family patents, along with litigation and legal activity details of these patents on Arranon's drug page
4. Azopt
Azopt is protected by 3 patents, out of which all have expired. Check out its patent list below.
Drug Patent Number | Drug Patent Title | Drug Patent Expiry | Status |
| Topical ophthalmic pharmaceutical vehicles |
24 Apr, 2013
(11 years ago)
| Expired |
US5461081 | Topical ophthalmic pharmaceutical vehicles |
24 Oct, 2012
(12 years ago)
| Expired |
| Sulfonamides useful as carbonic anhydrase inhibitors |
01 Oct, 2012
(12 years ago)
| Expired |
Discover which of these patents contain the active ingredient(API) of the drug, their family patents, along with litigation and legal activity details of these patents on Azopt's drug page
5. Ciprodex
Ciprodex is protected by 6 patents, out of which 5 have expired. Check out its patent list below.
Drug Patent Number | Drug Patent Title | Drug Patent Expiry | Status |
US8846650 | Method of treating middle ear infections |
04 Jun, 2025
(5 months from now)
| Active |
US9149486 | Method of treating middle ear infections |
13 Sep, 2022
(2 years ago)
| Expired |
US9345714 | Method of treating middle ear infections |
13 Sep, 2022
(2 years ago)
| Expired |
US9402805 | Method of treating middle ear infections |
13 Sep, 2022
(2 years ago)
| Expired |
US6284804 | Topical suspension formulations containing ciprofloxacin and dexamethasone |
10 Aug, 2020
(4 years ago)
| Expired |
US6359016 | Topical suspension formulations containing ciprofloxacin and dexamethasone |
10 Aug, 2020
(4 years ago)
| Expired |
Discover which of these patents contain the active ingredient(API) of the drug, their family patents, along with litigation and legal activity details of these patents on Ciprodex's drug page
Explore Our Curated Drug Screens
6. Cipro Hc
Cipro Hc is protected by 2 patents, out of which all have expired. Check out its patent list below.
Drug Patent Number | Drug Patent Title | Drug Patent Expiry | Status |
US5843930 | Method of treating otitis with ciprofloxacin-hydrocortisone suspension |
06 Jun, 2015
(9 years ago)
| Expired |
US5965549 | Ciprofloxacin-hydrocortisone suspension |
06 Jun, 2015
(9 years ago)
| Expired |
Discover which of these patents contain the active ingredient(API) of the drug, their family patents, along with litigation and legal activity details of these patents on Cipro Hc's drug page
7. Durezol
Durezol is protected by 2 patents, out of which all have expired. Check out its patent list below.
Drug Patent Number | Drug Patent Title | Drug Patent Expiry | Status |
| Compositions containing difluprednate |
18 Nov, 2019
(5 years ago)
| Expired |
US6114319 | Compositions containing difluprednate |
18 May, 2019
(5 years ago)
| Expired |
Discover which of these patents contain the active ingredient(API) of the drug, their family patents, along with litigation and legal activity details of these patents on Durezol's drug page
8. Exelon
Exelon is protected by 4 patents, out of which all have expired. Check out its patent list below.
Drug Patent Number | Drug Patent Title | Drug Patent Expiry | Status |
US6316023 | TTS containing an antioxidant |
08 Jan, 2019
(5 years ago)
| Expired |
US6335031 | TTS containing an antioxidant |
08 Jan, 2019
(5 years ago)
| Expired |
US5602176 | Phenyl carbamate |
11 Feb, 2014
(10 years ago)
| Expired |
US4948807 | Phenyl carbamates |
14 Aug, 2012
(12 years ago)
| Expired |
Discover which of these patents contain the active ingredient(API) of the drug, their family patents, along with litigation and legal activity details of these patents on Exelon's drug page
9. Focalin
Focalin is protected by 3 patents, out of which all have expired. Check out its patent list below.
Drug Patent Number | Drug Patent Title | Drug Patent Expiry | Status |
US5908850 | Method of treating attention deficit disorders with d-threo methylphenidate |
04 Dec, 2015
(9 years ago)
| Expired |
US6355656 | Phenidate drug formulations having diminished abuse potential |
04 Dec, 2015
(9 years ago)
| Expired |
US6528530 | Phenidate drug formulations having diminished abuse potential |
04 Dec, 2015
(9 years ago)
| Expired |
Discover which of these patents contain the active ingredient(API) of the drug, their family patents, along with litigation and legal activity details of these patents on Focalin's drug page
10. Focalin Xr
Focalin Xr is protected by 8 patents, out of which all have expired. Check out its patent list below.
Drug Patent Number | Drug Patent Title | Drug Patent Expiry | Status |
US6228398 | Multiparticulate modified release composition |
01 Nov, 2019
(5 years ago)
| Expired |
US6730325 | Multiparticulate modified release composition |
01 Nov, 2019
(5 years ago)
| Expired |
US5837284 | Delivery of multiple doses of medications |
04 Dec, 2015
(9 years ago)
| Expired |
US5908850 | Method of treating attention deficit disorders with d-threo methylphenidate |
04 Dec, 2015
(9 years ago)
| Expired |
US6355656 | Phenidate drug formulations having diminished abuse potential |
04 Dec, 2015
(9 years ago)
| Expired |
US6528530 | Phenidate drug formulations having diminished abuse potential |
04 Dec, 2015
(9 years ago)
| Expired |
US6635284 | Delivery of multiple doses of medications |
04 Dec, 2015
(9 years ago)
| Expired |
US7431944 | Delivery of multiple doses of medications |
04 Dec, 2015
(9 years ago)
| Expired |
Discover which of these patents contain the active ingredient(API) of the drug, their family patents, along with litigation and legal activity details of these patents on Focalin Xr's drug page
11. Hycamtin
Hycamtin is protected by 3 patents, out of which all have expired. Check out its patent list below.
Drug Patent Number | Drug Patent Title | Drug Patent Expiry | Status |
US8158645 | Compound, corresponding compositions, preparation and/or treatment methods |
10 Dec, 2024
(8 days ago)
| Expired |
| Treatment of ovarian cancer |
07 Apr, 2015
(9 years ago)
| Expired |
US5674872 | Treatment of ovarian cancer |
07 Oct, 2014
(10 years ago)
| Expired |
Discover which of these patents contain the active ingredient(API) of the drug, their family patents, along with litigation and legal activity details of these patents on Hycamtin's drug page
12. Lescol Xl
Lescol Xl is protected by 2 patents, out of which all have expired. Check out its patent list below.
Drug Patent Number | Drug Patent Title | Drug Patent Expiry | Status |
| Organic compounds |
13 Oct, 2020
(4 years ago)
| Expired |
US6242003 | Organic compounds |
13 Apr, 2020
(4 years ago)
| Expired |
Discover which of these patents contain the active ingredient(API) of the drug, their family patents, along with litigation and legal activity details of these patents on Lescol Xl's drug page
13. Lotrel
Lotrel is protected by 1 patent, which has expired already. Check out its patent list below.
Drug Patent Number | Drug Patent Title | Drug Patent Expiry | Status |
US6162802 | Synergistic combination therapy using benazepril and amlodipine for the treatment of cardiovascular disorders and compositions therefor |
19 Dec, 2017
(7 years ago)
| Expired |
Discover which of these patents contain the active ingredient(API) of the drug, their family patents, along with litigation and legal activity details of these patents on Lotrel's drug page
14. Qoliana
Qoliana is protected by 1 patent, which is still active. Check out its patent list below.
Drug Patent Number | Drug Patent Title | Drug Patent Expiry | Status |
US7265117 | Topical brimonidine tartrate formulations that lack chlorine dioxide |
19 Aug, 2025
(7 months from now)
| Active |
Discover which of these patents contain the active ingredient(API) of the drug, their family patents, along with litigation and legal activity details of these patents on Qoliana's drug page
15. Reclast
Reclast is protected by 5 patents, out of which 3 have expired. Check out its patent list below.
Drug Patent Number | Drug Patent Title | Drug Patent Expiry | Status |
| Pharmaceutical products comprising bisphosphonates |
05 Aug, 2028
(3 years from now)
| Active |
US7932241 | Pharmaceutical products comprising bisphosphonates |
05 Feb, 2028
(3 years from now)
| Active |
US8052987 | Method of administering bisphosphonates |
27 Oct, 2023
(1 year, 1 month ago)
| Expired |
| Substituted alkanediphosphonic acids and pharmaceutical use |
02 Mar, 2013
(11 years ago)
| Expired |
US4939130 | Substituted alkanediphosphonic acids and pharmaceutical use |
02 Sep, 2012
(12 years ago)
| Expired |
Discover which of these patents contain the active ingredient(API) of the drug, their family patents, along with litigation and legal activity details of these patents on Reclast's drug page
16. Ritalin La
Ritalin La is protected by 4 patents, out of which all have expired. Check out its patent list below.
Drug Patent Number | Drug Patent Title | Drug Patent Expiry | Status |
US6228398 | Multiparticulate modified release composition |
01 Nov, 2019
(5 years ago)
| Expired |
US5837284 | Delivery of multiple doses of medications |
04 Dec, 2015
(9 years ago)
| Expired |
US6635284 | Delivery of multiple doses of medications |
04 Dec, 2015
(9 years ago)
| Expired |
US7431944 | Delivery of multiple doses of medications |
04 Dec, 2015
(9 years ago)
| Expired |
Discover which of these patents contain the active ingredient(API) of the drug, their family patents, along with litigation and legal activity details of these patents on Ritalin La's drug page
17. Timolol Maleate
Timolol Maleate is protected by 2 patents, out of which all have expired. Check out its patent list below.
Drug Patent Number | Drug Patent Title | Drug Patent Expiry | Status |
| Gelling ophthalmic compositions containing xanthan gum |
26 Sep, 2019
(5 years ago)
| Expired |
US6174524 | Gelling ophthalmic compositions containing xanthan gum |
26 Mar, 2019
(5 years ago)
| Expired |
Discover which of these patents contain the active ingredient(API) of the drug, their family patents, along with litigation and legal activity details of these patents on Timolol Maleate's drug page
18. Travatan Z
Travatan Z is protected by 5 patents, out of which 2 have expired. Check out its patent list below.
Drug Patent Number | Drug Patent Title | Drug Patent Expiry | Status |
US8268299 | Self preserved aqueous pharmaceutical compositions |
13 Oct, 2029
(4 years from now)
| Active |
US8323630 | Self-preserved aqueous pharmaceutical compositions |
20 Sep, 2027
(2 years from now)
| Active |
US8388941 | Self preserved aqueous pharmaceutical compositions |
20 Sep, 2027
(2 years from now)
| Active |
US5889052 | Use of cloprostenol and fluprostenol analogues to treat glaucoma and ocular hypertension |
02 Dec, 2014
(10 years ago)
| Expired |
US5510383 | Use of cloprostenol, fluprostenol and their salts and esters to treat glaucoma and ocular hypertension |
03 Aug, 2013
(11 years ago)
| Expired |
Discover which of these patents contain the active ingredient(API) of the drug, their family patents, along with litigation and legal activity details of these patents on Travatan Z's drug page
19. Vivelle-dot
Vivelle-dot is protected by 4 patents, out of which all have expired. Check out its patent list below.
Drug Patent Number | Drug Patent Title | Drug Patent Expiry | Status |
US5656286 | Solubility parameter based drug delivery system and method for altering drug saturation concentration |
12 Aug, 2014
(10 years ago)
| Expired |
US6024976 | Solubility parameter based drug delivery system and method for altering drug saturation concentration |
07 Jan, 2014
(10 years ago)
| Expired |
US5474783 | Solubility parameter based drug delivery system and method for altering drug saturation concentration |
12 Dec, 2012
(12 years ago)
| Expired |
US5958446 | Solubility parameter based drug delivery system and method for altering drug saturation concentration |
12 Dec, 2012
(12 years ago)
| Expired |
Discover which of these patents contain the active ingredient(API) of the drug, their family patents, along with litigation and legal activity details of these patents on Vivelle-dot's drug page
20. Zofran
Zofran is protected by 2 patents, out of which all have expired. Check out its patent list below.
Drug Patent Number | Drug Patent Title | Drug Patent Expiry | Status |
| Oral compositions containing ondansetron |
20 May, 2016
(8 years ago)
| Expired |
US5854270 | Oral compositions containing ondansetron |
20 Nov, 2015
(9 years ago)
| Expired |
Discover which of these patents contain the active ingredient(API) of the drug, their family patents, along with litigation and legal activity details of these patents on Zofran's drug page
21. Zofran Odt
Zofran Odt is protected by 4 patents, out of which all have expired. Check out its patent list below.
Drug Patent Number | Drug Patent Title | Drug Patent Expiry | Status |
| Freeze-dried compositions |
14 May, 2016
(8 years ago)
| Expired |
| Ondansetron freeze-dried dosage form compositions for oral administration |
14 May, 2016
(8 years ago)
| Expired |
US5955488 | Freeze-dried compositions |
14 Nov, 2015
(9 years ago)
| Expired |
US6063802 | Ondansetron freeze-dried dosage form compositions for oral administration |
14 Nov, 2015
(9 years ago)
| Expired |
Discover which of these patents contain the active ingredient(API) of the drug, their family patents, along with litigation and legal activity details of these patents on Zofran Odt's drug page