Liraglutide Patent Expiration
Liraglutide is Used for improving glycemic control and reducing the risk of cardiovascular events in adults with type 2 diabetes mellitus and established cardiovascular disease. It was first introduced by Novo Nordisk Inc
Liraglutide Patents
Given below is the list of patents protecting Liraglutide, along with the drug name that holds that patent and the company name owning that drug.
Drug Used in | Drug Patent Number | Drug Patent Title | Drug Patent Expiry | Drug Owner |
Saxenda |
US9968659 (Pediatric) | Liraglutide in cardiovascular conditions | Jul 09, 2037 | Novo |
Victoza |
US9968659 (Pediatric) | Liraglutide in cardiovascular conditions | Jul 09, 2037 | Novo Nordisk Inc |
Saxenda | US9968659 | Liraglutide in cardiovascular conditions | Jan 09, 2037 | Novo |
Victoza | US9968659 | Liraglutide in cardiovascular conditions | Jan 09, 2037 | Novo Nordisk Inc |
Victoza |
US9265893 (Pediatric) | Injection button | Mar 23, 2033 | Novo Nordisk Inc |
Victoza | US9265893 | Injection button | Sep 23, 2032 | Novo Nordisk Inc |
Saxenda |
US9132239 (Pediatric) | Dial-down mechanism for wind-up pen | Aug 01, 2032 | Novo |
Saxenda | US9132239 | Dial-down mechanism for wind-up pen | Feb 01, 2032 | Novo |
Saxenda |
US9457154 (Pediatric) | Injection device with an end of dose feedback mechanism | Mar 27, 2028 | Novo |
Saxenda | US9457154 | Injection device with an end of dose feedback mechanism | Sep 27, 2027 | Novo |
Saxenda |
US9687611 (Pediatric) | Injection device with torsion spring and rotatable display | Aug 27, 2027 | Novo |
Saxenda | US9687611 | Injection device with torsion spring and rotatable display | Feb 27, 2027 | Novo |
Saxenda |
USRE46363 (Pediatric) | Dial-down mechanism for wind-up pen | Feb 03, 2027 | Novo |
Saxenda |
US10220155 (Pediatric) | Syringe device with a dose limiting mechanism and an additional safety mechanism | Jan 17, 2027 | Novo |
Saxenda |
US8920383 (Pediatric) | Dose mechanism for an injection device for limiting a dose setting corresponding to the amount of medicament left | Jan 17, 2027 | Novo |
Saxenda |
US9775953 (Pediatric) | Dose mechanism for an injection device for limiting a dose setting corresponding to the amount of medicament left | Jan 17, 2027 | Novo |
Saxenda | US7686786 | Dial-down mechanism for wind-up pen | Aug 03, 2026 | Novo |
Saxenda | USRE46363 | Dial-down mechanism for wind-up pen | Aug 03, 2026 | Novo |
Saxenda |
US9108002 (Pediatric) | Automatic injection device with a top release mechanism | Jul 26, 2026 | Novo |
Saxenda |
US9616180 (Pediatric) | Automatic injection device with a top release mechanism | Jul 20, 2026 | Novo |
Saxenda |
US9861757 (Pediatric) | Injection device with an end of dose feedback mechanism | Jul 20, 2026 | Novo |
Saxenda | US10220155 | Syringe device with a dose limiting mechanism and an additional safety mechanism | Jul 17, 2026 | Novo |
Saxenda | US11097063 | Syringe device with a dose limiting mechanism and an additional safety mechanism | Jul 17, 2026 | Novo |
Saxenda | US8920383 | Dose mechanism for an injection device for limiting a dose setting corresponding to the amount of medicament left | Jul 17, 2026 | Novo |
Saxenda | US9775953 | Dose mechanism for an injection device for limiting a dose setting corresponding to the amount of medicament left | Jul 17, 2026 | Novo |
Saxenda |
US8684969 (Pediatric) | Injection device with torsion spring and rotatable display | Apr 20, 2026 | Novo |
Saxenda |
US8114833 (Pediatric) | Propylene glycol-containing peptide formulations which are optimal for production and for use in injection devices | Feb 13, 2026 | Novo |
Victoza |
US8114833 (Pediatric) | Propylene glycol-containing peptide formulations which are optimal for production and for use in injection devices | Feb 13, 2026 | Novo Nordisk Inc |
Saxenda | US9108002 | Automatic injection device with a top release mechanism | Jan 26, 2026 | Novo |
Saxenda | US10357616 | Injection device with an end of dose feedback mechanism | Jan 20, 2026 | Novo |
Saxenda | US10376652 | Automatic injection device with a top release mechanism | Jan 20, 2026 | Novo |
Saxenda | US11311679 | Automatic injection device with a top release mechanism | Jan 20, 2026 | Novo |
Saxenda | US9616180 | Automatic injection device with a top release mechanism | Jan 20, 2026 | Novo |
Saxenda | US9861757 | Injection device with an end of dose feedback mechanism | Jan 20, 2026 | Novo |
Saxenda | US11446443 | Injection device with torsion spring and rotatable display | Oct 20, 2025 | Novo |
Saxenda | US8684969 | Injection device with torsion spring and rotatable display | Oct 20, 2025 | Novo |
Saxenda | US8114833 | Propylene glycol-containing peptide formulations which are optimal for production and for use in injection devices | Aug 13, 2025 | Novo |
Victoza | US8114833 | Propylene glycol-containing peptide formulations which are optimal for production and for use in injection devices | Aug 13, 2025 | Novo Nordisk Inc |
Saxenda |
US7762994 (Pediatric) | Needle mounting system and a method for mounting a needle assembly |
Nov 23, 2024
(Expired) | Novo |
Victoza |
US7762994 (Pediatric) | Needle mounting system and a method for mounting a needle assembly |
Nov 23, 2024
(Expired) | Novo Nordisk Inc |
Saxenda | US7762994 | Needle mounting system and a method for mounting a needle assembly |
May 23, 2024
(Expired) | Novo |
Victoza | US7762994 | Needle mounting system and a method for mounting a needle assembly |
May 23, 2024
(Expired) | Novo Nordisk Inc |
Saxenda |
US8579869 (Pediatric) | Needle mounting system and a method for mounting a needle assembly |
Dec 30, 2023
(Expired) | Novo |
Victoza |
US8579869 (Pediatric) | Needle mounting system and a method for mounting a needle assembly |
Dec 30, 2023
(Expired) | Novo Nordisk Inc |
Saxenda | US8579869 | Needle mounting system and a method for mounting a needle assembly |
Jun 30, 2023
(Expired) | Novo |
Victoza | US8579869 | Needle mounting system and a method for mounting a needle assembly |
Jun 30, 2023
(Expired) | Novo Nordisk Inc |
Saxenda |
US6268343 (Pediatric) | Derivatives of GLP-1 analogs |
Feb 22, 2023
(Expired) | Novo |
Victoza |
US6268343 (Pediatric) | Derivatives of GLP-1 analogs |
Feb 22, 2023
(Expired) | Novo Nordisk Inc |
Saxenda |
US8846618 (Pediatric) | Stable formulation of modified GLP-1 |
Dec 27, 2022
(Expired) | Novo |
Victoza |
US8846618 (Pediatric) | Stable formulation of modified GLP-1 |
Dec 27, 2022
(Expired) | Novo Nordisk Inc |
Saxenda | US6268343 | Derivatives of GLP-1 analogs |
Aug 22, 2022
(Expired) | Novo |
Saxenda |
US8672898 (Pediatric) | Automatic injection device with reset feature |
Jul 02, 2022
(Expired) | Novo |
Saxenda |
US9486588 (Pediatric) | Automatic injection device with reset feature |
Jul 02, 2022
(Expired) | Novo |
Saxenda |
US6899699 (Pediatric) | Automatic injection device with reset feature |
Jul 01, 2022
(Expired) | Novo |
Saxenda | US8846618 | Stable formulation of modified GLP-1 |
Jun 27, 2022
(Expired) | Novo |
Victoza | US8846618 | Stable formulation of modified GLP-1 |
Jun 27, 2022
(Expired) | Novo Nordisk Inc |
Saxenda | US8672898 | Automatic injection device with reset feature |
Jan 02, 2022
(Expired) | Novo |
Saxenda | US9486588 | Automatic injection device with reset feature |
Jan 02, 2022
(Expired) | Novo |
Saxenda | US6899699 | Automatic injection device with reset feature |
Jan 01, 2022
(Expired) | Novo |
Victoza |
USRE41956 (Pediatric) | Dose setting limiter |
Jul 21, 2021
(Expired) | Novo Nordisk Inc |
Victoza | USRE41956 | Dose setting limiter |
Jan 21, 2021
(Expired) | Novo Nordisk Inc |
Victoza | US6004297 | Injection syringe |
Jan 28, 2019
(Expired) | Novo Nordisk Inc |
Victoza | USRE43834 | Injection syringe |
Jan 28, 2019
(Expired) | Novo Nordisk Inc |
Saxenda | US6458924 | Derivatives of GLP-1 analogs |
Aug 22, 2017
(Expired) | Novo |
Saxenda | US7235627 | Derivatives of GLP-1 analogs |
Aug 22, 2017
(Expired) | Novo |
Victoza | US6268343 | Derivatives of GLP-1 analogs |
Aug 22, 2017
(Expired) | Novo Nordisk Inc |
Victoza | US6458924 | Derivatives of GLP-1 analogs |
Aug 22, 2017
(Expired) | Novo Nordisk Inc |
Victoza | US7235627 | Derivatives of GLP-1 analogs |
Aug 22, 2017
(Expired) | Novo Nordisk Inc |
A patent's expiry date may change depending upon legal activities going on that patent. Critical activities like abandoning of a patent, term extension of a patent or amendment of its claims can increase or decrease the life of a patent hence affecting its expiry date and in turn affecting the generic launch date of that drug. Tracking these ongoing activities on a patent application helps to keep an eye on the latest developments in the patent process of the drug which can give an idea of how early a drug's generic could be available. The next section provides a list of recent legal activities on Liraglutide's patents.
Latest Legal Activities on Liraglutide's Patents
Given below is the list recent legal activities going on the following patents of Liraglutide.
Activity | Date | Patent Number |
Payment of Maintenance Fee, 8th Year, Large Entity | 17 Feb, 2022 | US8846618 |
Payment of Maintenance Fee, 4th Year, Large Entity | 21 Oct, 2021 | US9968659 |
Payment of Maintenance Fee, 12th Year, Large Entity | 18 Oct, 2018 | US7235627 |
Patent Issue Date Used in PTA Calculation Critical | 15 May, 2018 | US9968659 |
Recordation of Patent Grant Mailed Critical | 15 May, 2018 | US9968659 |
Email Notification Critical | 26 Apr, 2018 | US9968659 |
Issue Notification Mailed Critical | 25 Apr, 2018 | US9968659 |
Filing Receipt - Updated | 13 Apr, 2018 | US9968659 |
Dispatch to FDC | 13 Apr, 2018 | US9968659 |
Email Notification Critical | 13 Apr, 2018 | US9968659 |