
Dexycu Kit patents expiration

Drug Patent Number Company Drug Patent Title Drug Patent Expiry Activity Alert
These drug patents focus on the other aspects of the active substance like dosage, mode of administration (oral, tablet, capsules, liquids etc).
US7560120 EYEPOINT PHARMS Vehicles for delivery of biologically active substances
Sep, 2022

(1 year, 7 months ago)

US6960346 EYEPOINT PHARMS Vehicles for delivery of biologically active substances
Jul, 2023

(9 months ago)

US10799642 EYEPOINT PHARMS Dose guides for injection syringe
May, 2032

(8 years from now)

US10159683 EYEPOINT PHARMS Use of sustained release dexamethasone in post-cataract surgery inflammation
May, 2034

(10 years from now)

US10028965 EYEPOINT PHARMS Use of sustained release dexamethasone in post-cataract surgery inflammation
May, 2034

(10 years from now)

US10022502 EYEPOINT PHARMS Dose guides for injection syringe
Jun, 2034

(10 years from now)

US11097061 EYEPOINT PHARMS Systems, kits and methods for loading and delivering a small volume dose from a syringe
Jun, 2039

(15 years from now)

Dexycu Kit is owned by Eyepoint Pharms.

Dexycu Kit contains Dexamethasone.

Dexycu Kit has a total of 7 drug patents out of which 2 drug patents have expired.

Expired drug patents of Dexycu Kit are:

  • US7560120
  • US6960346

Dexycu Kit was authorised for market use on 09 February, 2018.

Dexycu Kit is available in suspension;intraocular dosage forms.

Dexycu Kit can be used as treatment of postoperative inflammation, a method of loading medication into a syringe and delivering the medication to a treatment site.

The generics of Dexycu Kit are possible to be released after 23 June, 2039.

Drug Exclusivity Drug Exclusivity Expiration
New Product(NP) Feb 09, 2021

Drugs and Companies using DEXAMETHASONE ingredient

Market Authorisation Date: 09 February, 2018

Treatment: Treatment of postoperative inflammation; A method of loading medication into a syringe and delivering the medication to a treatment site


More Information on Dosage

DEXYCU KIT family patents

Family Patents