Methotrexate Patent Expiration

Methotrexate is Used for treating conditions such as cancer, rheumatoid arthritis, and certain types of psoriasis. It was first introduced by Otter Pharmaceuticals Llc in its drug Otrexup on Oct 11, 2013. Other drugs containing Methotrexate are Otrexup Pfs, Rasuvo, Jylamvo, Reditrex, Methotrexate. 5 different companies have introduced drugs containing Methotrexate.

Methotrexate Patents

Given below is the list of patents protecting Methotrexate, along with the drug name that holds that patent and the company name owning that drug.

Drug Used in Drug Patent Number Drug Patent Title Drug Patent Expiry Drug Owner
Jylamvo US11129833 Methotrexate formulation Oct 28, 2035 Shorla
Jylamvo US11771701 Methotrexate formulation Oct 29, 2034 Shorla
Otrexup US8814834 Injector safety device May 27, 2031 Otter Pharms
Otrexup US11497753 Hazardous agent injection system Mar 19, 2030 Otter Pharms
Otrexup US8480631 Hazardous agent injection system Mar 19, 2030 Otter Pharms
Otrexup US8579865 Hazardous agent injection system Mar 19, 2030 Otter Pharms
Otrexup US8945063 Hazardous agent injection system Mar 19, 2030 Otter Pharms
Otrexup US9421333 Hazardous agent injection system Mar 19, 2030 Otter Pharms
Rasuvo US8664231 Concentrated methotrexate solutions Jun 01, 2029 Medexus
Otrexup US10709844 Injector safety device Mar 10, 2029 Otter Pharms
Otrexup US11684723 Injector safety device Mar 10, 2029 Otter Pharms
Otrexup US9867949 Injector safety device Mar 10, 2029 Otter Pharms
Otrexup US8021335 Prefilled syringe jet injector Oct 04, 2026 Otter Pharms
Otrexup US11446441 Prefilled syringe injector Jan 24, 2026 Otter Pharms
Otrexup US8562564 Prefilled syringe jet injector Jan 24, 2026 Otter Pharms
Otrexup US9533102 Prefilled syringe jet injector Jan 24, 2026 Otter Pharms
Otrexup US9629959 Prefilled syringe jet injector Jan 24, 2026 Otter Pharms
Otrexup US6746429 Needle assisted jet injector Apr 12, 2020


Otter Pharms
Otrexup US7744582 Needle assisted jet injector Aug 10, 2019


Otter Pharms
Otrexup US7776015 Needle assisted jet injector Aug 10, 2019


Otter Pharms
Otrexup USRE44846 Needle assisted jet injector Aug 10, 2019


Otter Pharms
Otrexup USRE44847 Needle assisted jet injector Aug 10, 2019


Otter Pharms

A patent's expiry date may change depending upon legal activities going on that patent. Critical activities like abandoning of a patent, term extension of a patent or amendment of its claims can increase or decrease the life of a patent hence affecting its expiry date and in turn affecting the generic launch date of that drug. Tracking these ongoing activities on a patent application helps to keep an eye on the latest developments in the patent process of the drug which can give an idea of how early a drug's generic could be available. The next section provides a list of recent legal activities on Methotrexate's patents.

Given below is the list recent legal activities going on the following patents of Methotrexate.

Activity Date Patent Number
Patent litigations
Payment of Maintenance Fee, 8th Year, Large Entity 05 Aug, 2021 US8664231(Litigated)
Review Certificate Mailed 03 Sep, 2019 US8664231(Litigated)
Review Certificate 13 Aug, 2019 US8664231(Litigated)
Termination or Final Written Decision 07 Feb, 2018 US8664231(Litigated)
Request for Trial Granted 08 Feb, 2017 US8664231(Litigated)
Termination or Final Written Decision 08 Dec, 2016 US8664231(Litigated)
Request for Trial Granted in Part 01 Sep, 2016 US8664231(Litigated)
Petition Requesting Trial 20 Jul, 2016 US8664231(Litigated)
Petition Requesting Trial 22 Feb, 2016 US8664231(Litigated)
Termination or Final Written Decision 30 Apr, 2015 US8664231(Litigated)

Methotrexate's Family Patents

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