
Drugs that contain Dexamethasone; Tobramycin

1. Tobradex St patents expiration

Drug Patent Number Company Drug Patent Title Drug Patent Expiry Activity Alert
These drug patents focus on the other aspects of the active substance like dosage, mode of administration (oral, tablet, capsules, liquids etc).
US8101582 HARROW EYE Topical ophthalmic compositions containing tobramycin and dexamethasone
Dec, 2027

(3 years from now)

US8450287 HARROW EYE Topical ophthalmic compositions containing tobramycin and dexamethasone
Dec, 2027

(3 years from now)

US7795316 HARROW EYE Topical ophthalmic compositions containing tobramycin and dexamethasone
Aug, 2028

(4 years from now)

Market Authorisation Date: 13 February, 2009

Treatment: Use of a combination of tobramycin and dexamethasone to treat ocular inflammation where an infection or risk of infection exists


More Information on Dosage

TOBRADEX ST family patents

Family Patents