
Tracleer patents expiration

Drug Patent Number Company Drug Patent Title Drug Patent Expiry Activity Alert
These drug patents focus on the other aspects of the active substance like dosage, mode of administration (oral, tablet, capsules, liquids etc).
US5292740 ACTELION Sulfonamides
Nov, 2015

(8 years ago)

US8309126 ACTELION Dispersible bosentan tablet
May, 2026

(2 years from now)

US7959945 ACTELION Dispersible bosentan tablet
Dec, 2027

(3 years from now)

Tracleer is owned by Actelion.

Tracleer contains Bosentan.

Tracleer has a total of 3 drug patents out of which 1 drug patent has expired.

Expired drug patents of Tracleer are:

  • US5292740

Tracleer was authorised for market use on 20 November, 2001.

Tracleer is available in tablet, for suspension;oral, tablet;oral dosage forms.

The generics of Tracleer are possible to be released after 28 December, 2027.

Drug Exclusivity Drug Exclusivity Expiration
ODE*(ODE*) Sep 05, 2024
New Patient Population(NPP) Sep 05, 2020
New Indication(I-607) Aug 07, 2012

Drugs and Companies using BOSENTAN ingredient

Market Authorisation Date: 20 November, 2001

Treatment: NA


How can I launch a generic of TRACLEER before it's drug patent expiration?
More Information on Dosage

TRACLEER family patents

Family Patents