Keppra generic

Keppra is a drug owned by Ucb Inc. that contains the active ingredient levetiracetam. It was first authorized for market use on 30 November 1999 and is available in oral tablet form. The drug holds a total of 2 patents, none of which have expired yet.

When will Keppra generic be available?

As for the Keppra generic availability, the release of generics for Keppra is not expected until after 7 December 2031. The key patent affecting this generic release date is US8802142, titled 'Pharmaceutical compositions comprising levetiracetam and process for their preparation' which is set to expire on 7 June 2031. However, due to a pediatric exclusivity extension (PED), the effective date of patent expiration is extended to 7 December 2031.

Keppra uses

Keppra is primarily used in the treatment of epilepsy. Its active ingredient, levetiracetam, contributes to its effectiveness by changing the way nerves communicate with each other. This helps to reduce the occurrence of seizures and improves overall symptom management for individuals with epilepsy.

Keppra patent expiration

The Keppra generic release is predicted to occur after 7 December 2031. This is due to the patent 'Pharmaceutical compositions comprising levetiracetam and process for their preparation' (US8802142) which will expire on 7 June 2031 and its pediatric exclusivity extension (PED), which extends the patent expiration to 7 December 2031. Below is the detail of the patent:

EPO Oppostions filed on Keppra

Keppra dosage

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