Ilevro is an ophthalmic drug owned by Novartis. It contains nepafenac and comes in suspension/drops dosage forms. Ilevro was first authorised for market use on 16 October, 2012. It holds a total of 3 patents.
Ilevro generic is not yet available. The last patent protecting Ilevro expires on 31 March, 2032. Therefore, the earliest possible release of a generic version could be shortly after this date.
Ilevro is used in the treatment of eye conditions. Its active ingredient, nepafenac, effectively helps manage pain and inflammation in the eye.
Ilevro has a total of 3 patents. The last patent for Ilevro is set to expire on 31 March, 2032. Upon this expiration, it might be possible to see an Ilevro generic in the market. Below are the details of the patents: