Provepharm Sas Drug Patent Portfolio
Provepharm Sas owns 1 orange book drug protected by 3 US patents Given below is the list of Provepharm Sas's drug patents along with their expiration dates.
Drug Patent Number | Drug Patent Title | Drug Patent Expiry | Status |
US10927258 | Process for the preparation of Indigotindisulfonate sodium (indigo carmine) | 23 Dec, 2037 | Active |
US11499050 | Process for the preparation of indigotindisulfonate sodium (indigo carmine) | 23 Dec, 2037 | Active |
US11845867 | Process for the preparation of indigotindisulfonate sodium (indigo carmine) | 25 Nov, 2036 | Active |
Latest Legal Activities on Provepharm Sas's Drug Patents
Given below is the list of recent legal activities going on the following drug patents of Provepharm Sas.
Activity | Date | Patent Number |
Email Notification
| 20 Dec, 2023 | US11845867 |
Recordation of Patent Grant Mailed
| 19 Dec, 2023 | US11845867 |
Patent Issue Date Used in PTA Calculation
| 19 Dec, 2023 | US11845867 |
Patent eGrant Notification | 19 Dec, 2023 | US11845867 |
Recordation of Patent eGrant | 19 Dec, 2023 | US11845867 |
Mail Patent eGrant Notification | 19 Dec, 2023 | US11845867 |
Email Notification
| 30 Nov, 2023 | US11845867 |
Issue Notification Mailed
| 29 Nov, 2023 | US11845867 |
Dispatch to FDC | 07 Nov, 2023 | US11845867 |
Application Is Considered Ready for Issue
| 07 Nov, 2023 | US11845867 |
Issue Fee Payment Received
| 03 Nov, 2023 | US11845867 |
Issue Fee Payment Verified
| 03 Nov, 2023 | US11845867 |
Workflow - Drawings Finished | 31 Aug, 2023 | US11845867 |
Mail PUB other miscellaneous communication to applicant | 22 Aug, 2023 | US11845867 |
Email Notification
| 22 Aug, 2023 | US11845867 |
Provepharm Sas's Family Patents
Provepharm Sas Drug List
Given below is the complete list of Provepharm Sas's drugs and the patents protecting them.
1. Bludigo
Bludigo is protected by 3 patents, out of which none have expired yet. Check out its patent list below.
Drug Patent Number | Drug Patent Title | Drug Patent Expiry | Status |
US10927258 | Process for the preparation of Indigotindisulfonate sodium (indigo carmine) |
23 Dec, 2037
(13 years from now)
| Active |
US11499050 | Process for the preparation of indigotindisulfonate sodium (indigo carmine) |
23 Dec, 2037
(13 years from now)
| Active |
US11845867 | Process for the preparation of indigotindisulfonate sodium (indigo carmine) |
25 Nov, 2036
(11 years from now)
| Active |
Discover which of these patents contain the active ingredient(API) of the drug, their family patents, along with litigation and legal activity details of these patents on Bludigo's drug page