Top patents of SYMRISE AG facing oppositions at the European Patent Office (EPO)

Patent Number Grant Date Patent Title Expected Expiration Date Facing Oppositions Activity Alert
EP3423028B1 08 Apr, 2020 Method For The Production Of Scent Capsules With Improved Surfactant Stablity Feb, 2036 2
EP3059009B1 04 May, 2022 Process For The Storage Of Refreshing Agents Feb, 2035 1
EP3167031B1 09 Feb, 2022 Isomer Mixtures Of Unsaturated Macrocyclic Musk Compounds Jul, 2035 1
EP3700352B1 22 Sep, 2021 Aroma Composition Oct, 2037 1
EP3547992B1 30 Dec, 2020 Mixtures Comprising A Phenyl Alkanol And A Linear Alcohol With 8 To 12 Carbon Atoms Nov, 2037 1
EP2865739B1 19 Sep, 2018 Use Of Lactones Oct, 2033 1