Top patents of GENERAL HOSPITAL CORP facing oppositions at the European Patent Office (EPO)

Patent Number Grant Date Patent Title Expected Expiration Date Facing Oppositions Activity Alert
EP2978446B1 04 Mar, 2020 Methods And Agents For Treating Alzheimer'S Disease Mar, 2034 3
EP2906112B1 15 Mar, 2023 System And Method For Monitoring And Controlling A State Of A Patient During And After Administration Of Anesthetic Compound Oct, 2033 1
EP2968826B1 05 May, 2021 Inspiratory Synthesis Of Nitric Oxide Mar, 2034 1
EP3209359B1 01 Jul, 2020 Systems And Methods For The Synthesis Of Nitric Oxide Oct, 2035 1
EP2349332B1 23 Oct, 2019 Methods And Compositions For Regulating Iron Homeostasis By Modulation Bmp-6 Nov, 2029 1
EP2850189B8 23 Jan, 2019 Compositions And Methods For Modulating Gene Expression May, 2033 1