Top patents of FIRMENICH facing oppositions at the European Patent Office (EPO)

Patent Number Grant Date Patent Title Expected Expiration Date Facing Oppositions Activity Alert
EP1893734B1 20 Mar, 2019 Near Anhydrous Consumer Products Comprising Fragranced Aminoplast Capsules May, 2026 4
EP3302404B1 28 Sep, 2022 Microcapsules With High Deposition On Surfaces Jun, 2036 1
EP3405043B1 29 Jul, 2020 Phloretin NA 1
EP3280525B1 10 Jul, 2019 Process For Preparing Polyurea Microcapsules NA 1
EP2931228B1 31 Jan, 2018 Ethanol-Free Microemulsion Perfuming Compositions NA 1
EP2579976B1 09 Aug, 2017 Process For Preparing Polyurea Microcapsules NA 1