Top patents of DEB facing oppositions at the European Patent Office (EPO)

Patent Number Grant Date Patent Title Expected Expiration Date Facing Oppositions Activity Alert
EP3047878B1 24 Nov, 2021 Assembly For Preventing The Spread Of Fire In A Building With At Least One Building Wall Made Of Wood Building Materials NA 2
EP2741726B2 05 Aug, 2020 Container For Storing A Drug Such As Insulin NA 1
EP2500014B1 08 Aug, 2018 Slow Release Pharmaceutical Composition Made Of Microparticles NA 1
EP2459163B1 04 Apr, 2018 Skin Protectant, Particularly Against Hydrophobic (Lipohilic) And Against Hydrophilic (Lipophobic) Harmful Substances NA 1
EP2455062B1 04 Oct, 2017 Skin Cleanser/Hand Cleaners Comprising Hydrophilic Emollients And Abrasives Apr, 2028 1
EP2144593B1 27 Sep, 2017 Skin Cleanser/Hand Cleaners Comprising Hydrophilic Emollients NA 1