Top patents of ALLERGAN INC facing oppositions at the European Patent Office (EPO)

Patent Number Grant Date Patent Title Expected Expiration Date Facing Oppositions Activity Alert
EP3431074B1 19 Jan, 2022 Preservative Free Bimatoprost And Timolol Solutions Jul, 2031 9
EP2598119B1 19 Sep, 2018 Preservative Free Brimonidine And Timolol Solutions Jul, 2031 2
EP3520827B1 25 May, 2022 Cross-Linked Hydrogels For Soft Tissue Augmentation Mar, 2031 1
EP3681500B1 23 Mar, 2022 Use Of Pilocarpine Hydrochloride For The Treatment Of Ocular Conditions Apr, 2039 1
EP3169308B1 27 Jan, 2021 Suspension Compositions Of Cyclosporin A For Subconjunctival And Periocular Injection Jul, 2035 1
EP3068403B1 17 Jun, 2020 Methods Of Treatment Of Ocular Conditions With A Sustained Drug Delivery Implant Nov, 2034 1
EP3187219B1 22 Apr, 2020 Injection Device Dec, 2029 1
EP2437762B1 09 Aug, 2017 Artificial Tears And Therapeutic Uses Jun, 2030 1