Top patents of ALCON facing oppositions at the European Patent Office (EPO)

Patent Number Grant Date Patent Title Expected Expiration Date Facing Oppositions Activity Alert
EP3042646B1 10 May, 2017 Pharmaceutical Compositions Having Desirable Bioavailability NA 5
EP2264486B1 22 Aug, 2018 Ophthalmic Molding Composition NA 2
EP2599475B1 26 Apr, 2017 Pharmaceutical Composition Having Desirable Bioavailability NA 2
EP3007659B1 17 Aug, 2022 Automatic Machine Settings For Customized Refractive Surgery Jun, 2033 1
EP3206693B1 03 Aug, 2022 Prostaglandin Conjugates And Derivatives For Treating Glaucoma And Ocular Hypertension Oct, 2035 1
EP3774310B1 06 Jul, 2022 Method For Making Silicone Hydrogel Contact Lenses NA 1
EP3178421B1 11 Aug, 2021 Optimized Pneumatic Drive Lines Nov, 2032 1
EP3324817B1 30 Dec, 2020 Ophthalmic Surgical Image Processing Oct, 2035 1
EP2373207B1 11 Sep, 2019 Method And Apparatus For Image Processing For Computer-Aided Eye Surgery NA 1
EP3010394B1 22 May, 2019 Integrated Oct-Refractometer System For Ocular Biometry NA 1
EP2368145B1 11 Jul, 2018 Ophthalmic Devices For Delivery Of Hydrophobic Comfort Agents NA 1
EP2826436B1 28 Mar, 2018 Precise Targeting Of Surgical Photodisruption Sep, 2028 1
EP2895079B1 21 Jun, 2017 Disposable Capsulorhexis Forceps NA 1
EP2307455B1 22 Mar, 2017 Solubility Optimization Of Immunobinders NA 1