Top patents of JANSSEN PHARMACEUTICA NV facing oppositions at the European Patent Office (EPO)

Patent Number Grant Date Patent Title Expected Expiration Date Facing Oppositions Activity Alert
EP2234617B1 31 Mar, 2021 Dosing Regimen Associated With Long Acting Injectable Paliperidone Esters Dec, 2028 20
EP3609497B1 12 Oct, 2022 Combination Therapy For Prostate Cancer Apr, 2038 3
EP3087098B1 08 Apr, 2020 Anti-Vista Antibodies And Fragments Dec, 2034 2
EP2968221B1 19 Jun, 2019 Pharmaceutical Composition Of S-Ketamine Hydrochloride Mar, 2034 2
EP2451482B1 01 May, 2019 Combination Therapy For The Treatment Of Diabetes Jul, 2030 2
EP3311374B1 22 Jul, 2020 Devices And Methods For Drug Administration And Mixing, And Training Of Proper Techniques Therefor Jun, 2036 1
EP2519231B1 15 Mar, 2017 Treatment Of Disease With Proteasome Inhibitors Background Of The Invention Oct, 2030 1