Ziconotide Acetate Patent Expiration

Ziconotide Acetate is Used for managing severe chronic pain through intrathecal infusion in patients also receiving morphine. It was first introduced by Tersera Therapeutics Llc in its drug Prialt on Dec 28, 2004.

Ziconotide Acetate Patents

Given below is the list of patents protecting Ziconotide Acetate, along with the drug name that holds that patent and the company name owning that drug.

Drug Used in Drug Patent Number Drug Patent Title Drug Patent Expiry Drug Owner
Prialt US5364842 Method of producing analgesia Dec 30, 2016


Prialt US5795864 Stable omega conopetide formulations Jun 27, 2015


Prialt US8653033 Method for administering omega-conopeptide Oct 01, 2024 Tersera
Prialt US8765680 Method for administering omega-conopeptide Oct 01, 2024 Tersera
Prialt US9707270 Method for administering ω-conopeptide Oct 01, 2024 Tersera

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