Pegulicianine Acetate Patent Expiration

Pegulicianine Acetate was first introduced by Lumicell Inc in its drug Lumisight on Apr 17, 2024.

Pegulicianine Acetate Patents

Given below is the list of patents protecting Pegulicianine Acetate, along with the drug name that holds that patent and the company name owning that drug.

Drug Used in Drug Patent Number Drug Patent Title Drug Patent Expiry Drug Owner
Lumisight US10285759 Methods and system for image guided cell ablation with microscopic resolution Dec 08, 2031 Lumicell
Lumisight US9032965 Methods and system for image guided cell ablation with microscopic resolution Dec 08, 2031 Lumicell
Lumisight US9155471 Methods and systems for spatially identifying abnormal cells Oct 12, 2031 Lumicell
Lumisight US9532835 Methods and system for image guided cell ablation with microscopic resolution Dec 08, 2031 Lumicell
Lumisight US9763577 Imaging agent for detection of diseased cells Sep 14, 2034 Lumicell