
Drugs that contain Malathion

1. Ovide patents expiration

Drug Patent Number Company Drug Patent Title Drug Patent Expiry Activity Alert
These drug patents protects the active chemical substance. Only drug patent owner can launch products that use this active substance.
US7560445 TARO Process for preparing malathion for pharmaceutical use
Feb, 2027

(2 years from now)

These drug patents focus on the other aspects of the active substance like dosage, mode of administration (oral, tablet, capsules, liquids etc).
US7977324 TARO Process for preparing malathion for pharmaceutical use
Aug, 2026

(2 years from now)

Market Authorisation Date: 02 August, 1982

Treatment: Treatment of patients infected with pediculus humanus capitis (head lice and their ova) of the scalp hair


How can I launch a generic of OVIDE before it's drug patent expiration?
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OVIDE family patents

Family Patents