Calcitonin Salmon Recombinant Patent Expiration

Calcitonin Salmon Recombinant is Used for treating nasal conditions such as congestion or allergies. It was first introduced by Upsher Smith Laboratories Llc in its drug Fortical on Aug 12, 2005.

Calcitonin Salmon Recombinant Patents

Given below is the list of patents protecting Calcitonin Salmon Recombinant, along with the drug name that holds that patent and the company name owning that drug.

Drug Used in Drug Patent Number Drug Patent Title Drug Patent Expiry Drug Owner
Fortical US6440392 Nasal calcitonin formulations Feb 02, 2021


Upsher Smith Labs
Fortical USRE40812 Nasal calcitonin formulation Feb 02, 2021


Upsher Smith Labs
Fortical USRE43580 Nasal calcitonin formulations Feb 02, 2021


Upsher Smith Labs