
Phoslo Gelcaps patents expiration

Drug Patent Number Company Drug Patent Title Drug Patent Expiry Activity Alert
These drug patents focus on the other aspects of the active substance like dosage, mode of administration (oral, tablet, capsules, liquids etc).
US6576665 FRESENIUS MEDCL Encapsulated calcium acetate caplet and a method for inhibiting gastrointestinal phosphorous absorption
Apr, 2021

(3 years ago)

US6875445 FRESENIUS MEDCL Encapsulated calcium acetate caplet and a method for inhibiting gastrointestinal phosphorous absorption
Jul, 2021

(2 years ago)

Phoslo Gelcaps is owned by Fresenius Medcl.

Phoslo Gelcaps contains Calcium Acetate.

Phoslo Gelcaps has a total of 2 drug patents out of which 2 drug patents have expired.

Expired drug patents of Phoslo Gelcaps are:

  • US6576665
  • US6875445

Phoslo Gelcaps was authorised for market use on 02 April, 2001.

Phoslo Gelcaps is available in capsule;oral dosage forms.

The generics of Phoslo Gelcaps are possible to be released after 30 July, 2021.

Drugs and Companies using CALCIUM ACETATE ingredient

Market Authorisation Date: 02 April, 2001

Treatment: NA


How can I launch a generic of PHOSLO GELCAPS before it's drug patent expiration?
More Information on Dosage

PHOSLO GELCAPS family patents

Family Patents