
Mulpleta patents expiration

Drug Patent Number Company Drug Patent Title Drug Patent Expiry Activity Alert
These drug patents protects the active chemical substance. Only drug patent owner can launch products that use this active substance.
US7601746 VANCOCIN ITALIA Compounds exhibiting thrombopoietin receptor agonism
Sep, 2024

(4 months from now)

US8889722 VANCOCIN ITALIA Pharmaceutical composition containing optically active compound having thrombopoietin receptor agonist activity, and intermediate therefor
Jul, 2028

(4 years from now)

US8530668 VANCOCIN ITALIA Pharmaceutical composition containing optically active compound having thrombopoietin receptor agonist activity, and intermediate therefor
Jan, 2030

(5 years from now)

These drug patents focus on the other aspects of the active substance like dosage, mode of administration (oral, tablet, capsules, liquids etc).
US9427402 VANCOCIN ITALIA Preparation for improving solubility of poorly soluble drug
Sep, 2031

(7 years from now)

Mulpleta is owned by Vancocin Italia.

Mulpleta contains Lusutrombopag.

Mulpleta has a total of 4 drug patents out of which 0 drug patents have expired.

Mulpleta was authorised for market use on 31 July, 2018.

Mulpleta is available in tablet;oral dosage forms.

Mulpleta can be used as treatment of thrombocytopenia in adult patients with chronic liver disease who are scheduled to undergo a procedure.

Drug patent challenges can be filed against Mulpleta from 31 July, 2022.

The generics of Mulpleta are possible to be released after 29 September, 2031.

Drug Exclusivity Drug Exclusivity Expiration
New Chemical Entity Exclusivity(NCE) Jul 31, 2023

Drugs and Companies using LUSUTROMBOPAG ingredient

NCE-1 date: 31 July, 2022

Market Authorisation Date: 31 July, 2018

Treatment: Treatment of thrombocytopenia in adult patients with chronic liver disease who are scheduled to undergo a procedure


More Information on Dosage

MULPLETA family patents

Family Patents