Rhopressa generic

Rhopressa is an ophthalmic medication owned by Aerie Pharms Inc. It contains the active ingredient netarsudil mesylate. First authorized for market use on 18 December, 2017, Rhopressa is available in a solution/drops dosage form.

When will Rhopressa generic be available?

Rhopressa holds a total of 14 patents, none of which have expired as of now. Patent challenges against Rhopressa can be filed from 18 December, 2021 onwards. However, the earliest possible release date for Rhopressa generics is forecasted to be after 14 March, 2034.

Rhopressa uses

Rhopressa's primary use lies in the reduction of elevated intraocular pressure, a condition commonly associated with glaucoma. Its active ingredient, netarsudil mesylate, works by reducing the production of aqueous humor and increasing its outflow, thereby lowering the intraocular pressure.

Rhopressa patent expiration

Rhopressa, owned by Aerie Pharms Inc., has 14 active patents covering various aspects of its formulation and use. The last patent is due to expire on 14 March, 2034, suggesting that generics of Rhopressa may potentially hit the markets post this date. Below are the details of the patent:

EPO Oppostions filed on Rhopressa

Rhopressa dosage

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