Salix Drug Patent Portfolio
Salix owns 7 orange book drugs protected by 65 US patents with Fenoglide having the least patent protection, holding only 4 patents. And Uceris with maximum patent protection, holding 16 patents. Given below is the list of Salix's drug patents along with their expiration dates.
Drug Patent Number | Drug Patent Title | Drug Patent Expiry | Status |
US10011637 | Ultra-pure agonists of guanylate cyclase C, method of making and using same | 05 Jun, 2034 | Active |
US11142549 | Ultra-pure agonists of guanylate cyclase C, method of making and using same | 05 Jun, 2034 | Active |
US11834521 | Ultra-pure agonists of guanylate cyclase C, method of making and using same | 05 Jun, 2034 | Active |
US10016504 | Compositions | 10 Sep, 2033 | Active |
US10918723 | Colon cleansing compositions and methods of use | 10 Sep, 2033 | Active |
US8999313 | Compositions | 10 Sep, 2033 | Active |
US9326969 | Compositions | 10 Sep, 2033 | Active |
US9707297 | Compositions | 10 Sep, 2033 | Active |
US9616097 | Formulations of guanylate cyclase C agonists and methods of use | 20 Aug, 2032 | Active |
US9592252 | Colonoscopy—preparation | 11 Aug, 2032 | Active |
US10646512 | Colonoscopy - preparation | 25 Mar, 2032 | Active |
US10780112 | Colonoscopy-preparation | 09 Mar, 2032 | Active |
US10792306 | Colonoscopy—preparation | 09 Mar, 2032 | Active |
US11529368 | Colonoscopy—preparation | 09 Mar, 2032 | Active |
US11319346 | Ultra-pure agonists of guanylate cyclase C, method of making and using same | 01 Mar, 2032 | Active |
US9610321 | Formulations of guanylate cyclase C agonists and methods of use | 15 Sep, 2031 | Active |
US9919024 | Formulations of guanylate cyclase C agonists and methods of use | 15 Sep, 2031 | Active |
US9925231 | Formulations of guanylate cyclase C agonists and methods of use | 15 Sep, 2031 | Active |
US10307375 | Controlled release and taste masking oral pharmaceutical composition | 07 Sep, 2031 | Active |
US10660858 | Controlled release and taste masking oral pharmaceutical composition | 07 Sep, 2031 | Active |
US8895064 | Controlled release and taste masking oral pharmaceutical composition | 07 Sep, 2031 | Active |
US9132093 | Controlled release and taste making oral pharmaceutical composition | 07 Sep, 2031 | Active |
US9192581 | Controlled release and taste masking oral pharmaceutical composition | 07 Sep, 2031 | Active |
US10307417 | Oral formulations and lipophilic salts of methylnaltrexone | 10 Mar, 2031 | Active |
US10376505 | Oral formulations and lipophilic salts of methylnaltrexone | 10 Mar, 2031 | Active |
US8524276 | Oral formulations and lipophilic salts of methylnaltrexone | 10 Mar, 2031 | Active |
US8956651 | Oral formulations and lipophilic salts of methylnal trexone | 10 Mar, 2031 | Active |
US9314461 | Oral formulations and lipophilic salts of methylnaltrexone | 10 Mar, 2031 | Active |
US8865688 | Compositions and methods for treatment of bowel diseases with granulated mesalamine | 01 May, 2030 | Active |
US8420663 | Peripheral opioid receptor antagonists and uses thereof | 30 Sep, 2029 | Active |
US9180125 | Peripheral opioid receptor antagonists and uses thereof | 30 Sep, 2029 | Active |
US9492445 | Peripheral opioid receptor antagonists and uses thereof | 30 Sep, 2029 | Active |
US9724343 | Peripheral opioid receptor antagonists and uses thereof | 30 Sep, 2029 | Active |
US7041786 | Guanylate cyclase receptor agonists for the treatment of tissue inflammation and carcinogenesis | 30 Jan, 2028 | Active |
US7658944 | Solid dosage form comprising a fibrate | 09 Dec, 2024 | Active |
US8124125 | Solid dosage form comprising a fibrate | 01 Oct, 2024 | Expired |
US8481078 | Solid dosage form comprising a fibrate | 01 Oct, 2024 | Expired |
US9173847 | Tablet comprising a fibrate | 01 Oct, 2024 | Expired |
US7799897 | Guanylate cyclase receptor agonists for the treatment of tissue inflammation and carcinogenesis | 09 Jun, 2022 | Expired |
US8637451 | Guanylate cyclase receptor agonists for the treatment of tissue inflammation and carcinogenesis | 28 Mar, 2022 | Expired |
US10064878 | Controlled release and taste masking oral pharmaceutical compositions | 09 Jun, 2020 | Expired |
US10105374 | Controlled release and taste masking oral pharmaceutical compositions | 09 Jun, 2020 | Expired |
US10143698 | Controlled release and taste masking oral pharmaceutical compositions | 09 Jun, 2020 | Expired |
US7410651 | Controlled release and taste masking oral pharmaceutical composition | 09 Jun, 2020 | Expired |
US7431943 | Controlled release and taste masking oral pharmaceutical compositions | 09 Jun, 2020 | Expired |
US8293273 | Controlled release and taste masking oral pharmaceutical composition | 09 Jun, 2020 | Expired |
US8784888 | Controlled release and taste masking oral pharmaceutical composition | 09 Jun, 2020 | Expired |
US9320716 | Controlled release and taste masking oral pharmaceutical compositions | 09 Jun, 2020 | Expired |
US9532954 | Controlled release and taste masking oral pharmaceutical compositions | 09 Jun, 2020 | Expired |
USRE43799 | Controlled release and taste masking oral pharmaceutical composition | 09 Jun, 2020 | Expired |
US6551620 | Pellet formulation for the treatment of the intestinal tract | 20 Apr, 2018 | Expired |
US8337886 | Pellet formulation for the treatment of the intestinal tract | 20 Apr, 2018 | Expired |
US8496965 | Pellet formulation for the treatment of the intenstinal tract | 20 Apr, 2018 | Expired |
US8911778 | Pellet formulation for the treatment of the intestinal tract | 20 Apr, 2018 | Expired |
US8940328 | Pellet formulation for the treatment of the intestinal tract | 20 Apr, 2018 | Expired |
US8956647 | Pellet formulation for the treatment of the intestinal tract | 20 Apr, 2018 | Expired |
US6559158 | Use of methylnaltrexone and related compounds to treat chronic opioid use side affects | 03 Nov, 2017 | Expired |
US5840737 | Omeprazole solution and method for using same | 16 Jul, 2016 | Expired |
US6489346 | Substituted benzimidazole dosage forms and method of using same | 16 Jul, 2016 | Expired |
US6645988 | Substituted benzimidazole dosage forms and method of using same | 16 Jul, 2016 | Expired |
US6699885 | Substituted benzimidazole dosage forms and methods of using same | 16 Jul, 2016 | Expired |
US6780882 | Substituted benzimidazole dosage forms and method of using same | 16 Jul, 2016 | Expired |
US7399772 | Substituted benzimidazole dosage forms and method of using same | 16 Jul, 2016 | Expired |
USRE45198 | Omeprazole solution and method for using same | 15 Jul, 2016 | Expired |
US5914122 | Stable budesonide solutions, method of preparing them and use of these solutions as enema preparations and pharmaceutical foams | 19 Dec, 2015 | Expired |
Latest Legal Activities on Salix's Drug Patents
Given below is the list of recent legal activities going on the following drug patents of Salix.
Activity | Date | Patent Number |
Maintenance Fee Reminder Mailed
| 10 Jun, 2024 | US8293273 (Litigated) |
Expire Patent
| 03 Jun, 2024 | US9320716 |
Payment of Maintenance Fee, 4th Year, Large Entity | 21 Mar, 2024 | US10792306 |
Payment of Maintenance Fee, 4th Year, Large Entity | 21 Feb, 2024 | US10780112 |
Payment of Maintenance Fee, 12th Year, Large Entity | 23 Jan, 2024 | US8247425 |
Maintenance Fee Reminder Mailed
| 18 Dec, 2023 | US9320716 |
Sequence Moved to Public Database | 08 Dec, 2023 | US11834521 |
Recordation of Patent Grant Mailed
| 05 Dec, 2023 | US11834521 |
Patent Issue Date Used in PTA Calculation
| 05 Dec, 2023 | US11834521 |
Email Notification
| 05 Dec, 2023 | US11834521 |
Mail Patent eGrant Notification | 05 Dec, 2023 | US11834521 |
Recordation of Patent eGrant | 05 Dec, 2023 | US11834521 |
Patent eGrant Notification | 05 Dec, 2023 | US11834521 |
Email Notification
| 16 Nov, 2023 | US11834521 |
Issue Notification Mailed
| 15 Nov, 2023 | US11834521 |
Salix's Drug Patent Litigations
Salix's drugs have been subject to various legal proceedings, including patent litigations. The earliest legal proceeding was initiated on Jul 11, 2016, against patent number US8865688. The petitioner MycoNovo, Inc. et al., challenged the validity of this patent, with Salix Pharmaceuticals, Ltd. et al. as the respondent. Click below to track the latest information on how companies are challenging Salix's patents.
Patent | Proceeding Filing Date | Status | Respondent | Petitioner |
US7041786 | March, 2022 |
Final Written Decision - Appealed
(08 Sep, 2023)
| Bausch Health Ireland Limited et al. | Mylan Pharmaceuticals Inc. et al. |
US7041786 | October, 2022 |
Final Written Decision - Appealed
(08 Sep, 2023)
| Bausch Health Ireland Limited et al. | MSN Laboratories Private Ltd. et al. |
US9610321 | June, 2022 |
Institution Denied
(04 Jan, 2023)
| Bausch Health Ireland Limited et al. | Mylan Pharmaceuticals Inc. et al. |
US9616097 | June, 2022 |
Institution Denied
(04 Jan, 2023)
| Bausch Health Ireland Limited et al. | Mylan Pharmaceuticals Inc. et al. |
US9919024 | June, 2022 |
Institution Denied
(04 Jan, 2023)
| Bausch Health Ireland Limited et al. | Mylan Pharmaceuticals Inc. et al. |
US9925231 | June, 2022 |
Institution Denied
(04 Jan, 2023)
| Bausch Health Ireland Limited et al. | Mylan Pharmaceuticals Inc. et al. |
US9320716 | October, 2017 |
(23 Apr, 2018)
| Cosmo Technologies Limited | Argentum Pharmaceuticals LLC |
US9320716 | March, 2017 |
(17 Jan, 2018)
| ||
US8784888 | March, 2017 |
(20 Sep, 2017)
| ||
US8865688 | December, 2015 |
FWD Entered
(19 May, 2017)
US8865688 | July, 2016 |
(30 Nov, 2016)
| Salix Pharmaceuticals, Ltd. et al. | Mylan Pharmaceuticals Inc. et al. |
US8865688 | July, 2016 |
(30 Nov, 2016)
| Salix Pharmaceuticals, Ltd. et al. | MycoNovo, Inc. et al. |
Salix Drug Patents' Oppositions Filed in EPO
Salix drug patents have faced multiple oppositions in the European Patent Office. The earliest opposition was filed on Apr 22, 2010, by Combimab, Inc.. This opposition was filed on patent number EP02721604A. Click below to reveal the latest opposition data.
Application | Filing Date | Opposition Party | Legal Status |
EP02721604A | Apr, 2010 | Hill, Christopher Michael | Patent maintained as amended |
EP02721604A | Apr, 2010 | CombiMab, Inc. | Patent maintained as amended |
Salix's Family Patents
Salix Drug List
Given below is the complete list of Salix's drugs and the patents protecting them.
1. Apriso
Apriso is protected by 7 patents, out of which 6 have expired. Check out its patent list below.
Drug Patent Number | Drug Patent Title | Drug Patent Expiry | Status |
US8865688 | Compositions and methods for treatment of bowel diseases with granulated mesalamine |
01 May, 2030
(5 years from now)
| Active |
US6551620 | Pellet formulation for the treatment of the intestinal tract |
20 Apr, 2018
(6 years ago)
| Expired |
US8337886 | Pellet formulation for the treatment of the intestinal tract |
20 Apr, 2018
(6 years ago)
| Expired |
US8496965 | Pellet formulation for the treatment of the intenstinal tract |
20 Apr, 2018
(6 years ago)
| Expired |
US8911778 | Pellet formulation for the treatment of the intestinal tract |
20 Apr, 2018
(6 years ago)
| Expired |
US8940328 | Pellet formulation for the treatment of the intestinal tract |
20 Apr, 2018
(6 years ago)
| Expired |
US8956647 | Pellet formulation for the treatment of the intestinal tract |
20 Apr, 2018
(6 years ago)
| Expired |
Discover which of these patents contain the active ingredient(API) of the drug, their family patents, along with litigation and legal activity details of these patents on Apriso's drug page
2. Fenoglide
Fenoglide is protected by 4 patents, out of which 3 have expired. Check out its patent list below.
Drug Patent Number | Drug Patent Title | Drug Patent Expiry | Status |
US7658944 | Solid dosage form comprising a fibrate |
09 Dec, 2024
(2 months from now)
| Active |
US8124125 | Solid dosage form comprising a fibrate |
01 Oct, 2024
(4 days ago)
| Expired |
US8481078 | Solid dosage form comprising a fibrate |
01 Oct, 2024
(4 days ago)
| Expired |
US9173847 | Tablet comprising a fibrate |
01 Oct, 2024
(4 days ago)
| Expired |
Discover which of these patents contain the active ingredient(API) of the drug, their family patents, along with litigation and legal activity details of these patents on Fenoglide's drug page
3. Plenvu
Plenvu is protected by 10 patents, out of which none have expired yet. Check out its patent list below.
Drug Patent Number | Drug Patent Title | Drug Patent Expiry | Status |
US10016504 | Compositions |
10 Sep, 2033
(8 years from now)
| Active |
US10918723 | Colon cleansing compositions and methods of use |
10 Sep, 2033
(8 years from now)
| Active |
US8999313 | Compositions |
10 Sep, 2033
(8 years from now)
| Active |
US9326969 | Compositions |
10 Sep, 2033
(8 years from now)
| Active |
US9707297 | Compositions |
10 Sep, 2033
(8 years from now)
| Active |
US9592252 | Colonoscopy—preparation |
11 Aug, 2032
(7 years from now)
| Active |
US10646512 | Colonoscopy - preparation |
25 Mar, 2032
(7 years from now)
| Active |
US10780112 | Colonoscopy-preparation |
09 Mar, 2032
(7 years from now)
| Active |
US10792306 | Colonoscopy—preparation |
09 Mar, 2032
(7 years from now)
| Active |
US11529368 | Colonoscopy—preparation |
09 Mar, 2032
(7 years from now)
| Active |
Discover which of these patents contain the active ingredient(API) of the drug, their family patents, along with litigation and legal activity details of these patents on Plenvu's drug page
4. Relistor
Relistor is protected by 10 patents, out of which 1 has expired. Check out its patent list below.
Drug Patent Number | Drug Patent Title | Drug Patent Expiry | Status |
US10307417 | Oral formulations and lipophilic salts of methylnaltrexone |
10 Mar, 2031
(6 years from now)
| Active |
US10376505 | Oral formulations and lipophilic salts of methylnaltrexone |
10 Mar, 2031
(6 years from now)
| Active |
US8524276 | Oral formulations and lipophilic salts of methylnaltrexone |
10 Mar, 2031
(6 years from now)
| Active |
US8956651 | Oral formulations and lipophilic salts of methylnal trexone |
10 Mar, 2031
(6 years from now)
| Active |
US9314461 | Oral formulations and lipophilic salts of methylnaltrexone |
10 Mar, 2031
(6 years from now)
| Active |
US8420663 | Peripheral opioid receptor antagonists and uses thereof |
30 Sep, 2029
(4 years from now)
| Active |
US9180125 | Peripheral opioid receptor antagonists and uses thereof |
30 Sep, 2029
(4 years from now)
| Active |
US9492445 | Peripheral opioid receptor antagonists and uses thereof |
30 Sep, 2029
(4 years from now)
| Active |
US9724343 | Peripheral opioid receptor antagonists and uses thereof |
30 Sep, 2029
(4 years from now)
| Active |
US6559158 | Use of methylnaltrexone and related compounds to treat chronic opioid use side affects |
03 Nov, 2017
(6 years ago)
| Expired |
Discover which of these patents contain the active ingredient(API) of the drug, their family patents, along with litigation and legal activity details of these patents on Relistor's drug page
5. Trulance
Trulance is protected by 11 patents, out of which 2 have expired. Check out its patent list below.
Drug Patent Number | Drug Patent Title | Drug Patent Expiry | Status |
US10011637 | Ultra-pure agonists of guanylate cyclase C, method of making and using same |
05 Jun, 2034
(9 years from now)
| Active |
US11142549 | Ultra-pure agonists of guanylate cyclase C, method of making and using same |
05 Jun, 2034
(9 years from now)
| Active |
US11834521 | Ultra-pure agonists of guanylate cyclase C, method of making and using same |
05 Jun, 2034
(9 years from now)
| Active |
US9616097 | Formulations of guanylate cyclase C agonists and methods of use |
20 Aug, 2032
(7 years from now)
| Active |
US11319346 | Ultra-pure agonists of guanylate cyclase C, method of making and using same |
01 Mar, 2032
(7 years from now)
| Active |
US9610321 | Formulations of guanylate cyclase C agonists and methods of use |
15 Sep, 2031
(6 years from now)
| Active |
US9919024 | Formulations of guanylate cyclase C agonists and methods of use |
15 Sep, 2031
(6 years from now)
| Active |
US9925231 | Formulations of guanylate cyclase C agonists and methods of use |
15 Sep, 2031
(6 years from now)
| Active |
US7041786 | Guanylate cyclase receptor agonists for the treatment of tissue inflammation and carcinogenesis |
30 Jan, 2028
(3 years from now)
| Active |
US7799897 | Guanylate cyclase receptor agonists for the treatment of tissue inflammation and carcinogenesis |
09 Jun, 2022
(2 years ago)
| Expired |
US8637451 | Guanylate cyclase receptor agonists for the treatment of tissue inflammation and carcinogenesis |
28 Mar, 2022
(2 years ago)
| Expired |
Discover which of these patents contain the active ingredient(API) of the drug, their family patents, along with litigation and legal activity details of these patents on Trulance's drug page
Explore Our Curated Drug Screens
6. Uceris
Uceris is protected by 16 patents, out of which 11 have expired. Check out its patent list below.
Drug Patent Number | Drug Patent Title | Drug Patent Expiry | Status |
US10307375 | Controlled release and taste masking oral pharmaceutical composition |
07 Sep, 2031
(6 years from now)
| Active |
US10660858 | Controlled release and taste masking oral pharmaceutical composition |
07 Sep, 2031
(6 years from now)
| Active |
US8895064 | Controlled release and taste masking oral pharmaceutical composition |
07 Sep, 2031
(6 years from now)
| Active |
US9132093 | Controlled release and taste making oral pharmaceutical composition |
07 Sep, 2031
(6 years from now)
| Active |
US9192581 | Controlled release and taste masking oral pharmaceutical composition |
07 Sep, 2031
(6 years from now)
| Active |
US10064878 | Controlled release and taste masking oral pharmaceutical compositions |
09 Jun, 2020
(4 years ago)
| Expired |
US10105374 | Controlled release and taste masking oral pharmaceutical compositions |
09 Jun, 2020
(4 years ago)
| Expired |
US10143698 | Controlled release and taste masking oral pharmaceutical compositions |
09 Jun, 2020
(4 years ago)
| Expired |
US7410651 | Controlled release and taste masking oral pharmaceutical composition |
09 Jun, 2020
(4 years ago)
| Expired |
US7431943 | Controlled release and taste masking oral pharmaceutical compositions |
09 Jun, 2020
(4 years ago)
| Expired |
US8293273 | Controlled release and taste masking oral pharmaceutical composition |
09 Jun, 2020
(4 years ago)
| Expired |
US8784888 | Controlled release and taste masking oral pharmaceutical composition |
09 Jun, 2020
(4 years ago)
| Expired |
US9320716 | Controlled release and taste masking oral pharmaceutical compositions |
09 Jun, 2020
(4 years ago)
| Expired |
US9532954 | Controlled release and taste masking oral pharmaceutical compositions |
09 Jun, 2020
(4 years ago)
| Expired |
USRE43799 | Controlled release and taste masking oral pharmaceutical composition |
09 Jun, 2020
(4 years ago)
| Expired |
US5914122 | Stable budesonide solutions, method of preparing them and use of these solutions as enema preparations and pharmaceutical foams |
19 Dec, 2015
(8 years ago)
| Expired |
Discover which of these patents contain the active ingredient(API) of the drug, their family patents, along with litigation and legal activity details of these patents on Uceris's drug page
7. Zegerid
Zegerid is protected by 7 patents, out of which all have expired. Check out its patent list below.
Drug Patent Number | Drug Patent Title | Drug Patent Expiry | Status |
US5840737 | Omeprazole solution and method for using same |
16 Jul, 2016
(8 years ago)
| Expired |
US6489346 | Substituted benzimidazole dosage forms and method of using same |
16 Jul, 2016
(8 years ago)
| Expired |
US6645988 | Substituted benzimidazole dosage forms and method of using same |
16 Jul, 2016
(8 years ago)
| Expired |
US6699885 | Substituted benzimidazole dosage forms and methods of using same |
16 Jul, 2016
(8 years ago)
| Expired |
US6780882 | Substituted benzimidazole dosage forms and method of using same |
16 Jul, 2016
(8 years ago)
| Expired |
US7399772 | Substituted benzimidazole dosage forms and method of using same |
16 Jul, 2016
(8 years ago)
| Expired |
USRE45198 | Omeprazole solution and method for using same |
15 Jul, 2016
(8 years ago)
| Expired |
Discover which of these patents contain the active ingredient(API) of the drug, their family patents, along with litigation and legal activity details of these patents on Zegerid's drug page