Noven Pharms Inc Drug Patent Portfolio
Noven Pharms Inc owns 3 orange book drugs protected by 13 US patents Given below is the list of Noven Pharms Inc's drug patents along with their expiration dates.
Drug Patent Number | Drug Patent Title | Drug Patent Expiry | Status |
US11559501 | Transdermal amphetamine compositions with low levels of carbamate | 06 Jan, 2042 | Active |
US9456993 | Compositions and methods for transdermal delivery of amphetamine | 24 Oct, 2033 | Active |
US9474722 | Compositions and methods for transdermal delivery of amphetamine | 24 Oct, 2033 | Active |
US8632802 | Device for transdermal administration of drugs including acrylic polymers | 07 Oct, 2025 | Active |
US9034370 | Device for transdermal administration of drugs including acrylic polymers | 07 Oct, 2025 | Active |
US9668981 | Device for transdermal administration of drugs including acrylic based polymers | 07 Oct, 2025 | Active |
US8591941 | Transdermal drug delivery device including an occlusive backing | 07 Oct, 2025 | Active |
US6210705 | Compositions and methods for treatment of attention deficit disorder and attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder with methylphenidate | 30 Sep, 2018 | Expired |
US6348211 | Compositions and methods for treatment of attention deficit disorder and attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder with methylphenidate | 30 Sep, 2018 | Expired |
US5656286 | Solubility parameter based drug delivery system and method for altering drug saturation concentration | 12 Aug, 2014 | Expired |
US6024976 | Solubility parameter based drug delivery system and method for altering drug saturation concentration | 07 Jan, 2014 | Expired |
US5474783 | Solubility parameter based drug delivery system and method for altering drug saturation concentration | 12 Dec, 2012 | Expired |
US5958446 | Solubility parameter based drug delivery system and method for altering drug saturation concentration | 12 Dec, 2012 | Expired |
Latest Legal Activities on Noven Pharms Inc's Drug Patents
Given below is the list of recent legal activities going on the following drug patents of Noven Pharms Inc.
Activity | Date | Patent Number |
Patent Issue Date Used in PTA Calculation
| 24 Jan, 2023 | US11559501 |
Recordation of Patent Grant Mailed
| 24 Jan, 2023 | US11559501 |
Email Notification
| 05 Jan, 2023 | US11559501 |
Issue Notification Mailed
| 04 Jan, 2023 | US11559501 |
Dispatch to FDC | 23 Dec, 2022 | US11559501 |
Application Is Considered Ready for Issue
| 23 Dec, 2022 | US11559501 |
Issue Fee Payment Verified
| 16 Dec, 2022 | US11559501 |
Issue Fee Payment Received
| 16 Dec, 2022 | US11559501 |
Response to Reasons for Allowance | 16 Dec, 2022 | US11559501 |
Electronic Review
| 22 Nov, 2022 | US11559501 |
Email Notification
| 22 Nov, 2022 | US11559501 |
Mail Notice of Allowance
| 22 Nov, 2022 | US11559501 |
Notice of Allowance Data Verification Completed
| 17 Nov, 2022 | US11559501 |
Interview Summary - Examiner Initiated - Telephonic | 07 Nov, 2022 | US11559501 |
Information Disclosure Statement considered
| 07 Nov, 2022 | US11559501 |
Noven Pharms Inc's Family Patents
Noven Pharms Inc Drug List
Given below is the complete list of Noven Pharms Inc's drugs and the patents protecting them.
1. Combipatch
Combipatch is protected by 4 patents, out of which all have expired. Check out its patent list below.
Drug Patent Number | Drug Patent Title | Drug Patent Expiry | Status |
US5656286 | Solubility parameter based drug delivery system and method for altering drug saturation concentration |
12 Aug, 2014
(10 years ago)
| Expired |
US6024976 | Solubility parameter based drug delivery system and method for altering drug saturation concentration |
07 Jan, 2014
(10 years ago)
| Expired |
US5474783 | Solubility parameter based drug delivery system and method for altering drug saturation concentration |
12 Dec, 2012
(11 years ago)
| Expired |
US5958446 | Solubility parameter based drug delivery system and method for altering drug saturation concentration |
12 Dec, 2012
(11 years ago)
| Expired |
Discover which of these patents contain the active ingredient(API) of the drug, their family patents, along with litigation and legal activity details of these patents on Combipatch's drug page
2. Daytrana
Daytrana is protected by 6 patents, out of which 3 have expired. Check out its patent list below.
Drug Patent Number | Drug Patent Title | Drug Patent Expiry | Status |
US8632802 | Device for transdermal administration of drugs including acrylic polymers |
07 Oct, 2025
(11 months from now)
| Active |
US9034370 | Device for transdermal administration of drugs including acrylic polymers |
07 Oct, 2025
(11 months from now)
| Active |
US9668981 | Device for transdermal administration of drugs including acrylic based polymers |
07 Oct, 2025
(11 months from now)
| Active |
US6210705 | Compositions and methods for treatment of attention deficit disorder and attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder with methylphenidate |
30 Sep, 2018
(6 years ago)
| Expired |
US6348211 | Compositions and methods for treatment of attention deficit disorder and attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder with methylphenidate |
30 Sep, 2018
(6 years ago)
| Expired |
US5958446 | Solubility parameter based drug delivery system and method for altering drug saturation concentration |
12 Dec, 2012
(11 years ago)
| Expired |
Discover which of these patents contain the active ingredient(API) of the drug, their family patents, along with litigation and legal activity details of these patents on Daytrana's drug page
3. Xelstrym
Xelstrym is protected by 6 patents, out of which none have expired yet. Check out its patent list below.
Drug Patent Number | Drug Patent Title | Drug Patent Expiry | Status |
US11559501 | Transdermal amphetamine compositions with low levels of carbamate |
06 Jan, 2042
(17 years from now)
| Active |
US9456993 | Compositions and methods for transdermal delivery of amphetamine |
24 Oct, 2033
(9 years from now)
| Active |
US9474722 | Compositions and methods for transdermal delivery of amphetamine |
24 Oct, 2033
(9 years from now)
| Active |
US8591941 | Transdermal drug delivery device including an occlusive backing |
07 Oct, 2025
(11 months from now)
| Active |
US8632802 | Device for transdermal administration of drugs including acrylic polymers |
07 Oct, 2025
(11 months from now)
| Active |
US9034370 | Device for transdermal administration of drugs including acrylic polymers |
07 Oct, 2025
(11 months from now)
| Active |
Discover which of these patents contain the active ingredient(API) of the drug, their family patents, along with litigation and legal activity details of these patents on Xelstrym's drug page