
Mission Pharmacal patents expiration

1. Thiola Ec patents expiration

THIOLA EC Litigations
Drug Patent Number Company Drug Patent Title Drug Patent Expiry Activity Alert
These drug patents focus on the other aspects of the active substance like dosage, mode of administration (oral, tablet, capsules, liquids etc).
US11458104 MISSION PHARMACAL Enteric coated tiopronin tablet
Nov, 2038

(14 years from now)

Drug Exclusivity Drug Exclusivity Expiration
ODE*(ODE*) Jun 28, 2026

Drugs and Companies using TIOPRONIN ingredient

Market Authorisation Date: 28 June, 2019

Treatment: A method of treating cystinuria by orally administering tiopronin with food to prevent cystine stone formation in adults and pediatric patients with severe homozygous cystinuria


How can I launch a generic of THIOLA EC before it's drug patent expiration?
More Information on Dosage

THIOLA EC family patents

Family Patents