Lumicell patent expiration

1. Lumisight patent expiration

Drug Patent Number Company Drug Patent Title Drug Patent Expiry Activity Alert
These drug patents protects the active chemical substance. Only drug patent owner can launch products that use this active substance.
US9763577 LUMICELL Imaging agent for detection of diseased cells
Sep, 2034

(10 years from now)

These drug patents focus on the other aspects of the active substance like dosage, mode of administration (oral, tablet, capsules, liquids etc).
US9155471 LUMICELL Methods and systems for spatially identifying abnormal cells
Oct, 2031

(7 years from now)

US10285759 LUMICELL Methods and system for image guided cell ablation with microscopic resolution
Dec, 2031

(7 years from now)

US9532835 LUMICELL Methods and system for image guided cell ablation with microscopic resolution
Dec, 2031

(7 years from now)

US9032965 LUMICELL Methods and system for image guided cell ablation with microscopic resolution
Dec, 2031

(7 years from now)

Drug Exclusivity Drug Exclusivity Expiration
New Chemical Entity Exclusivity(NCE) Apr 17, 2029

Drugs and Companies using PEGULICIANINE ACETATE ingredient

NCE-1 date: 17 April, 2028

Market Authorisation Date: 17 April, 2024

Treatment: A method comprising administering pegulicianine to a human and obtaining an image of a tumor bed after tumor resection to distinguish in situ cancer cells from healthy cells

Dosage: POWDER

More Information on Dosage

LUMISIGHT family patents

Family Patents