Jazz Pharms Drug Patent Portfolio

Jazz Pharms owns 2 orange book drugs protected by 44 US patents Given below is the list of Jazz Pharms's drug patents along with their expiration dates.

Drug Patent Number Drug Patent Title Drug Patent Expiry Status
US10213400 Method of administration of gamma hydroxybutyrate with monocarboxylate transporters 15 Sep, 2033
US10864181 Method of administration of gamma hydroxybutyrate with monocarboxylate transporters 15 Sep, 2033
US11253494 Method of administration of gamma hydroxybutyrate with monocarboxylate transporters 15 Sep, 2033
US8772306 Method of administration of gamma hydroxybutyrate with monocarboxylate transporters 15 Sep, 2033
US9050302 Method of administration of gamma hydroxybutyrate with monocarboxylate transporters 15 Sep, 2033
US9486426 Method of administration of gamma hydroxybutyrate with monocarboxylate transporters 15 Sep, 2033
US10213400 Method of administration of gamma hydroxybutyrate with monocarboxylate transporters 15 Mar, 2033
US10864181 Method of administration of gamma hydroxybutyrate with monocarboxylate transporters 15 Mar, 2033
US11253494 Method of administration of gamma hydroxybutyrate with monocarboxylate transporters 15 Mar, 2033
US11986446 Method of administration of gamma hydroxybutyrate with monocarboxylate transporters 15 Mar, 2033
US8772306 Method of administration of gamma hydroxybutyrate with monocarboxylate transporters 15 Mar, 2033
US9050302 Method of administration of gamma hydroxybutyrate with monocarboxylate transporters 15 Mar, 2033
US9486426 Method of administration of gamma hydroxybutyrate with monocarboxylate transporters 15 Mar, 2033
US7668730 Sensitive drug distribution system and method 16 Dec, 2024
US7765106 Sensitive drug distribution system and method 16 Dec, 2024
US7765107 Sensitive drug distribution system and method 16 Dec, 2024
US7668730 Sensitive drug distribution system and method 16 Jun, 2024 Expired
US7765106 Sensitive drug distribution system and method 16 Jun, 2024 Expired
US7765107 Sensitive drug distribution system and method 16 Jun, 2024 Expired
US7895059 Sensitive drug distribution system and method 17 Jun, 2023 Expired
US8457988 Sensitive drug distribution system and method 17 Jun, 2023 Expired
US8589182 Sensitive drug distribution system and method 17 Jun, 2023 Expired
US8731963 Sensitive drug distribution system and method 17 Jun, 2023 Expired
US7895059 Sensitive drug distribution system and method 17 Dec, 2022 Expired
US8457988 Sensitive drug distribution system and method 17 Dec, 2022 Expired
US8589182 Sensitive drug distribution system and method 17 Dec, 2022 Expired
US8731963 Sensitive drug distribution system and method 17 Dec, 2022 Expired
US6780889 Microbiologically sound and stable solutions of gamma-hydroxybutyrate salt for the treatment of narcolepsy 04 Jan, 2021 Expired
US7262219 Microbiologically sound and stable solutions of gamma-hydroxybutyrate salt for the treatment of narcolepsy 04 Jan, 2021 Expired
US6780889 Microbiologically sound and stable solutions of gamma-hydroxybutyrate salt for the treatment of narcolepsy 04 Jul, 2020 Expired
US7262219 Microbiologically sound and stable solutions of gamma-hydroxybutyrate salt for the treatment of narcolepsy 04 Jul, 2020 Expired
US7851506 Microbiologically sound and stable solutions of gamma-hydroxybutyrate salt for the treatment of narcolepsy 22 Jun, 2020 Expired
US8263650 Microbiologically sound and stable solutions of gamma-hydroxybutyrate salt for the treatment of narcolepsy 22 Jun, 2020 Expired
US8324275 Microbiologically sound and stable solutions of gamma-hydroxybutyrate salt for the treatment of narcolepsy 22 Jun, 2020 Expired
US8859619 Microbiologically sound and stable solutions of gamma-hydroxybutyrate salt for the treatment of narcolepsy 22 Jun, 2020 Expired
US8952062 Microbiologically sound and stable solutions of gamma-hydroxybutyrate salt for the treatment of narcolepsy 22 Jun, 2020 Expired
US9539330 Microbiologically sound and stable solutions of gamma-hydroxybutyrate salt for the treatment of narcolepsy 22 Jun, 2020 Expired
US7465462 Multiparticulate controlled release selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor formulations 10 May, 2020 Expired
US7851506 Microbiologically sound and stable solutions of gamma-hydroxybutyrate salt for the treatment of narcolepsy 22 Dec, 2019 Expired
US8263650 Microbiologically sound and stable solutions of gamma-hydroxybutyrate salt for the treatment of narcolepsy 22 Dec, 2019 Expired
US8324275 Microbiologically sound and stable solutions of gamma-hydroxybutyrate salt for the treatment of narcolepsy 22 Dec, 2019 Expired
US8859619 Microbiologically sound and stable solutions of gamma-hydroxybutyrate salt for the treatment of narcolepsy 22 Dec, 2019 Expired
US8952062 Microbiologically sound and stable solutions of gamma-hydroxybutyrate salt for the treatment of narcolepsy 22 Dec, 2019 Expired
US9539330 Microbiologically sound and stable solutions of gamma-hydroxybutyrate salt for the treatment of narcolepsy 22 Dec, 2019 Expired

Given below is the list of recent legal activities going on the following drug patents of Jazz Pharms.

Activity Date Patent Number
Patent litigations
Payment of Maintenance Fee, 4th Year, Large Entity 29 May, 2024 US10864181
Maintenance Fee Reminder Mailed 29 Apr, 2024 US8263650 (Litigated)
Payment of Maintenance Fee, 8th Year, Large Entity 24 Apr, 2024 US9486426
Expire Patent 27 Mar, 2023 US7895059 (Litigated)
Expire Patent 20 Mar, 2023 US8952062 (Litigated)
Expire Patent 16 Jan, 2023 US7851506 (Litigated)
Payment of Maintenance Fee, 8th Year, Large Entity 23 Nov, 2022 US9050302 (Litigated)
Expire Patent 21 Nov, 2022 US8859619 (Litigated)
Maintenance Fee Reminder Mailed 10 Oct, 2022 US7895059 (Litigated)
Maintenance Fee Reminder Mailed 03 Oct, 2022 US8952062 (Litigated)
Expire Patent 29 Aug, 2022 US7765107 (Litigated)
Expire Patent 29 Aug, 2022 US7765106 (Litigated)
Payment of Maintenance Fee, 4th Year, Large Entity 10 Aug, 2022 US10213400
Maintenance Fee Reminder Mailed 01 Aug, 2022 US7851506 (Litigated)
Maintenance Fee Reminder Mailed 06 Jun, 2022 US8859619 (Litigated)

Jazz Pharms's Drug Patent Litigations

Jazz Pharms's drugs have been subject to various legal proceedings, including patent litigations. The earliest legal proceeding was initiated on May 20, 2008, against patent number US7668730. The petitioner , challenged the validity of this patent, with Dayton T. Reardan et al as the respondent. Click below to track the latest information on how companies are challenging Jazz Pharms's patents.

Patent Proceeding Filing Date Status Respondent Petitioner
Patent litigations
US8731963 September, 2015 Final Written Decision
(22 Mar, 2017)
Jazz Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Par Pharmaceutical, Inc. et al.
US7765106 August, 2015 Final Written Decision
(03 Jan, 2017)
Jazz Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Wockhardt Bio AG et al.
US8772306 February, 2016 Terminated-Denied
(28 Jul, 2016)
Jazz Pharmaceutical, Inc. Amneal Pharmaceuticals LLC
US7668730 January, 2015 Final Written Decision
(27 Jul, 2016)
Jazz Pharmaceuticals, Inc. PAR PHARMACEUTICAL, INC. et al.
US7668730 August, 2015 Final Written Decision
(27 Jul, 2016)
Jazz Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Wockhardt Bio AG et al.
US7765106 January, 2015 Final Written Decision
(27 Jul, 2016)
Jazz Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Amneal Pharmaceuticals LLC et al.
US7765107 January, 2015 Final Written Decision
(27 Jul, 2016)
Jazz Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Amneal Pharmaceuticals LLC et al.
US7765107 August, 2015 Final Written Decision
(27 Jul, 2016)
Jazz Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Wockhardt Bio AG et al.
US7895059 January, 2015 Final Written Decision
(27 Jul, 2016)
Jazz Pharmaceuticals, Inc. PAR PHARMACEUTICAL, INC.
US7895059 August, 2015 FWD Entered
(27 Jul, 2016)
Jazz Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Amneal Pharmaceuticals LLC
US7895059 August, 2015 FWD Entered
(27 Jul, 2016)
Jazz Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Wockhardt Bio AG
US8457988 January, 2015 Final Written Decision
(27 Jul, 2016)
Jazz Pharmaceuticals, Inc. PAR PHARMACEUTICAL, INC.
US8457988 August, 2015 FWD Entered
(27 Jul, 2016)
Jazz Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Amneal Pharmaceuticals LLC
US8457988 August, 2015 FWD Entered
(27 Jul, 2016)
Jazz Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Wockhardt Bio AG
US8589182 January, 2015 FWD Entered
(27 Jul, 2016)
Jazz Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Amneal Pharmaceuticals LLC
US8589182 August, 2015 Final Written Decision
(27 Jul, 2016)
Jazz Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Wockhardt Bio AG et al.
US8772306 October, 2015 Terminated-Settled
(23 May, 2016)
Jazz Pharmaceutical, Inc. Ranbaxy, Inc.
US9050302 March, 2016 Terminated-Denied
(23 May, 2016)
Jazz Pharmaceuticals Ireland Limited RANBAXY INC
US8772306 October, 2015 Terminated-Denied
(12 Apr, 2016)
Jazz Pharmaceutical, Inc. Par Pharmaceutical, Inc.
US7895059 April, 2015 Terminated-Denied
(15 Oct, 2015)
Jazz Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Coalition for Affordable Drugs III LLC
US7765106 August, 2014 Terminated-Denied
(09 Feb, 2015)
Jazz Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Roxane Laboratories, Inc.
US7765107 August, 2014 Terminated-Denied
(09 Feb, 2015)
Jazz Pharmaceuticals Inc. Roxane Laboratories, Inc.
US7668730 July, 2014 Terminated-Denied
(13 Jan, 2015)
Jazz Pharmaceuticals, Inc. PAR PHARMACEUTICAL, INC.
US7895059 June, 2014 Terminated-Denied
(13 Jan, 2015)
Jazz Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Amneal Pharmaceuticals, LLC
US8457988 July, 2014 Terminated-Denied
(13 Jan, 2015)
Jazz Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Amneal Pharmaceuticals, LLC
US8589182 July, 2014 Terminated-Denied
(13 Jan, 2015)
Jazz Pharmaceuticals, Inc. PAR PHARMACEUTICAL, INC.
US7668730 May, 2008 Decision
(31 Aug, 2009)
Dayton T. Reardan et al

Jazz Pharms Drug Patents' Oppositions Filed in EPO

Jazz Pharms drug patents have faced multiple oppositions in the European Patent Office. The earliest opposition was filed on Jul 23, 2018, by Hoffmann Eitle. This opposition was filed on patent number EP14709858A. Click below to reveal the latest opposition data.

Application Filing Date Opposition Party Legal Status
Patent litigations
EP17200764A Sep, 2020 Ter Meer Steinmeister & Partner Patentanwälte mbB Granted and Under Opposition
EP17200764A Sep, 2020 Hexal AG Granted and Under Opposition
EP17200764A Sep, 2020 Zentiva, k.s. Granted and Under Opposition
EP17200764A Mar, 2020 Hoffman Eitle Patent- und Rechtsanwälte Partnerschaftsgesellschaft mbB Granted and Under Opposition
EP14709858A Aug, 2018 Hexal AG Revoked
EP14709858A Aug, 2018 Ter Meer Steinmeister & Partner Patentanwälte mbB Revoked
EP14709858A Jul, 2018 Hoffmann Eitle Revoked

Jazz Pharms's Family Patents

Jazz Pharms drugs have patent protection in a total of 21 countries. It's US patent count contributes only to 50.0% of its total global patent coverage. Click below to unlock the full patent family tree.

Family Patents

Jazz Pharms Drug List

Given below is the complete list of Jazz Pharms's drugs and the patents protecting them.

1. Luvox Cr

Luvox Cr is protected by 1 patent, which has expired already. Check out its patent list below.

Drug Patent Number Drug Patent Title Drug Patent Expiry Status
US7465462 Multiparticulate controlled release selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor formulations 10 May, 2020
(4 years ago)

Discover which of these patents contain the active ingredient(API) of the drug, their family patents, along with litigation and legal activity details of these patents on Luvox Cr's drug page

2. Xyrem

Xyrem is protected by 43 patents, out of which 27 have expired. Check out its patent list below.

Drug Patent Number Drug Patent Title Drug Patent Expiry Status
Method of administration of gamma hydroxybutyrate with monocarboxylate transporters 15 Sep, 2033
(8 years from now)
Method of administration of gamma hydroxybutyrate with monocarboxylate transporters 15 Sep, 2033
(8 years from now)
Method of administration of gamma hydroxybutyrate with monocarboxylate transporters 15 Sep, 2033
(8 years from now)
Method of administration of gamma hydroxybutyrate with monocarboxylate transporters 15 Sep, 2033
(8 years from now)
Method of administration of gamma hydroxybutyrate with monocarboxylate transporters 15 Sep, 2033
(8 years from now)
Method of administration of gamma hydroxybutyrate with monocarboxylate transporters 15 Sep, 2033
(8 years from now)
US10213400 Method of administration of gamma hydroxybutyrate with monocarboxylate transporters 15 Mar, 2033
(8 years from now)
US10864181 Method of administration of gamma hydroxybutyrate with monocarboxylate transporters 15 Mar, 2033
(8 years from now)
US11253494 Method of administration of gamma hydroxybutyrate with monocarboxylate transporters 15 Mar, 2033
(8 years from now)
US11986446 Method of administration of gamma hydroxybutyrate with monocarboxylate transporters 15 Mar, 2033
(8 years from now)
US8772306 Method of administration of gamma hydroxybutyrate with monocarboxylate transporters 15 Mar, 2033
(8 years from now)
US9050302 Method of administration of gamma hydroxybutyrate with monocarboxylate transporters 15 Mar, 2033
(8 years from now)
US9486426 Method of administration of gamma hydroxybutyrate with monocarboxylate transporters 15 Mar, 2033
(8 years from now)
Sensitive drug distribution system and method 16 Dec, 2024
(a month from now)
Sensitive drug distribution system and method 16 Dec, 2024
(a month from now)
Sensitive drug distribution system and method 16 Dec, 2024
(a month from now)
US7668730 Sensitive drug distribution system and method 16 Jun, 2024
(4 months ago)
US7765106 Sensitive drug distribution system and method 16 Jun, 2024
(4 months ago)
US7765107 Sensitive drug distribution system and method 16 Jun, 2024
(4 months ago)
Sensitive drug distribution system and method 17 Jun, 2023
(1 year, 4 months ago)
Sensitive drug distribution system and method 17 Jun, 2023
(1 year, 4 months ago)
Sensitive drug distribution system and method 17 Jun, 2023
(1 year, 4 months ago)
Sensitive drug distribution system and method 17 Jun, 2023
(1 year, 4 months ago)
US7895059 Sensitive drug distribution system and method 17 Dec, 2022
(1 year, 10 months ago)
US8457988 Sensitive drug distribution system and method 17 Dec, 2022
(1 year, 10 months ago)
US8589182 Sensitive drug distribution system and method 17 Dec, 2022
(1 year, 10 months ago)
US8731963 Sensitive drug distribution system and method 17 Dec, 2022
(1 year, 10 months ago)
Microbiologically sound and stable solutions of gamma-hydroxybutyrate salt for the treatment of narcolepsy 04 Jan, 2021
(3 years ago)
Microbiologically sound and stable solutions of gamma-hydroxybutyrate salt for the treatment of narcolepsy 04 Jan, 2021
(3 years ago)
US6780889 Microbiologically sound and stable solutions of gamma-hydroxybutyrate salt for the treatment of narcolepsy 04 Jul, 2020
(4 years ago)
US7262219 Microbiologically sound and stable solutions of gamma-hydroxybutyrate salt for the treatment of narcolepsy 04 Jul, 2020
(4 years ago)
Microbiologically sound and stable solutions of gamma-hydroxybutyrate salt for the treatment of narcolepsy 22 Jun, 2020
(4 years ago)
Microbiologically sound and stable solutions of gamma-hydroxybutyrate salt for the treatment of narcolepsy 22 Jun, 2020
(4 years ago)
Microbiologically sound and stable solutions of gamma-hydroxybutyrate salt for the treatment of narcolepsy 22 Jun, 2020
(4 years ago)
Microbiologically sound and stable solutions of gamma-hydroxybutyrate salt for the treatment of narcolepsy 22 Jun, 2020
(4 years ago)
Microbiologically sound and stable solutions of gamma-hydroxybutyrate salt for the treatment of narcolepsy 22 Jun, 2020
(4 years ago)
Microbiologically sound and stable solutions of gamma-hydroxybutyrate salt for the treatment of narcolepsy 22 Jun, 2020
(4 years ago)
US7851506 Microbiologically sound and stable solutions of gamma-hydroxybutyrate salt for the treatment of narcolepsy 22 Dec, 2019
(4 years ago)
US8263650 Microbiologically sound and stable solutions of gamma-hydroxybutyrate salt for the treatment of narcolepsy 22 Dec, 2019
(4 years ago)
US8324275 Microbiologically sound and stable solutions of gamma-hydroxybutyrate salt for the treatment of narcolepsy 22 Dec, 2019
(4 years ago)
US8859619 Microbiologically sound and stable solutions of gamma-hydroxybutyrate salt for the treatment of narcolepsy 22 Dec, 2019
(4 years ago)
US8952062 Microbiologically sound and stable solutions of gamma-hydroxybutyrate salt for the treatment of narcolepsy 22 Dec, 2019
(4 years ago)
US9539330 Microbiologically sound and stable solutions of gamma-hydroxybutyrate salt for the treatment of narcolepsy 22 Dec, 2019
(4 years ago)

Discover which of these patents contain the active ingredient(API) of the drug, their family patents, along with litigation and legal activity details of these patents on Xyrem's drug page

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