Horizon Drug Patent Portfolio
Horizon owns 5 orange book drugs protected by 80 US patents with Duexis having the least patent protection, holding only 6 patents. And Procysbi with maximum patent protection, holding 25 patents. Given below is the list of Horizon's drug patents along with their expiration dates.
Drug Patent Number | Drug Patent Title | Drug Patent Expiry | Status |
US10143665 | Methods for storing cysteamine formulations and related methods of treatment | 16 Feb, 2037 | Active |
US10328037 | Methods for storing cysteamine formulations and related methods of treatment | 16 Feb, 2037 | Active |
US10548859 | Methods for storing Cysteamine formulations and related methods of treatment | 16 Feb, 2037 | Active |
US10905662 | Methods for storing cysteamine formulations and related methods of treatment | 16 Feb, 2037 | Active |
US10143665 | Methods for storing cysteamine formulations and related methods of treatment | 16 Aug, 2036 | Active |
US10328037 | Methods for storing cysteamine formulations and related methods of treatment | 16 Aug, 2036 | Active |
US10548859 | Methods for storing Cysteamine formulations and related methods of treatment | 16 Aug, 2036 | Active |
US10905662 | Methods for storing cysteamine formulations and related methods of treatment | 16 Aug, 2036 | Active |
US9173851 | Delayed release cysteamine bead formulation, and methods of making and using same | 17 Dec, 2034 | Active |
US9233077 | Delayed release cysteamine bead formulation, and methods of making and using same | 17 Dec, 2034 | Active |
US9173851 | Delayed release cysteamine bead formulation, and methods of making and using same | 17 Jun, 2034 | Active |
US9233077 | Delayed release cysteamine bead formulation, and methods of making and using same | 17 Jun, 2034 | Active |
US8945621 | Method for treating a patient at risk for developing an NSAID-associated ulcer | 17 Oct, 2031 | Active |
US9220698 | Method for delivering a pharmaceutical composition to patient in need thereof | 10 Mar, 2031 | Active |
US8546450 | Treatment of pain with topical diclofenac compounds | 09 Aug, 2030 | Active |
US9393208 | Method for delivering a pharmaceutical composition to patient in need thereof | 03 Sep, 2029 | Active |
US8217078 | Treatment of pain with topical diclofenac | 10 Jul, 2029 | Active |
US8618164 | Treatment of pain with topical diclofenac compounds | 10 Jul, 2029 | Active |
US8741956 | Treatment of pain with topical diclofenac | 10 Jul, 2029 | Active |
US9370501 | Treatment of pain with topical diclofenac | 10 Jul, 2029 | Active |
US9375412 | Treatment of pain with topical diclofenac | 10 Jul, 2029 | Active |
US9415029 | Treatment of pain with topical diclofenac | 10 Jul, 2029 | Active |
US8252838 | Diclofenac topical formulation | 21 Apr, 2028 | Active |
US8026284 | Enterically coated cystamine, cysteamine and derivatives thereof | 22 Mar, 2028 | Active |
US8168218 | Delayed release tablet with defined core geometry | 07 Jan, 2028 | Active |
US8563613 | Diclofenac topical formulation | 17 Oct, 2027 | Active |
US8871809 | Diclofenac topical formulation | 17 Oct, 2027 | Active |
US9066913 | Diclofenac topical formulation | 17 Oct, 2027 | Active |
US9101591 | Diclofenac topical formulation | 17 Oct, 2027 | Active |
US9132110 | Treatment of pain with topical diclofenac | 17 Oct, 2027 | Active |
US9168304 | Diclofenac topical formulation | 17 Oct, 2027 | Active |
US9168305 | Diclofenac topical formulation | 17 Oct, 2027 | Active |
US9220784 | Diclofenac topical formulation | 17 Oct, 2027 | Active |
US9339551 | Diclofenac topical formulation | 17 Oct, 2027 | Active |
US9339552 | Diclofenac topical formulation | 17 Oct, 2027 | Active |
US9539335 | Diclofenac topical formulation | 17 Oct, 2027 | Active |
US8026284 | Enterically coated cystamine, cysteamine and derivatives thereof | 22 Sep, 2027 | Active |
US9504699 | Delayed-release glucocorticoid treatment of rheumatoid disease | 03 Aug, 2027 | Active |
US9192590 | Enterically coated cysteamine, cystamine and derivatives thereof | 26 Jul, 2027 | Active |
US9198882 | Enterically coated cysteamine, cystamine and derivatives thereof | 26 Jul, 2027 | Active |
US9925156 | Enterically coated cysteamine, cystamine and derivatives thereof | 26 Jul, 2027 | Active |
US9925157 | Enterically coated cysteamine, cystamine and derivatives thereof | 26 Jul, 2027 | Active |
US9925158 | Enterically coated cysteamine, cystamine and derivatives thereof | 26 Jul, 2027 | Active |
US8129433 | Enterically coated cysteamine, cystamine and derivatives thereof | 26 Jan, 2027 | Active |
US9192590 | Enterically coated cysteamine, cystamine and derivatives thereof | 26 Jan, 2027 | Active |
US9198882 | Enterically coated cysteamine, cystamine and derivatives thereof | 26 Jan, 2027 | Active |
US9925156 | Enterically coated cysteamine, cystamine and derivatives thereof | 26 Jan, 2027 | Active |
US9925157 | Enterically coated cysteamine, cystamine and derivatives thereof | 26 Jan, 2027 | Active |
US9925158 | Enterically coated cysteamine, cystamine and derivatives thereof | 26 Jan, 2027 | Active |
US8067033 | Stable compositions of famotidine and ibuprofen | 18 Jul, 2026 | Active |
US8067451 | Methods and medicaments for administration of ibuprofen | 18 Jul, 2026 | Active |
US8309127 | Stable compositions of famotidine and ibuprofen | 18 Jul, 2026 | Active |
US8318202 | Stable compositions of famotidine and ibuprofen | 18 Jul, 2026 | Active |
US8449910 | Stable compositions of famotidine and ibuprofen | 18 Jul, 2026 | Active |
US8501228 | Stable compositions of famotidine and ibuprofen | 18 Jul, 2026 | Active |
US8309124 | Delayed release tablet with defined core geometry | 23 Apr, 2024 | Expired |
US8394407 | Delayed release tablet with defined core geometry | 23 Apr, 2024 | Expired |
US9040085 | Delayed release tablet with defined core geometry | 23 Apr, 2024 | Expired |
US9186332 | Delayed release tablet with defined core geometry | 23 Apr, 2024 | Expired |
US6926907 | Pharmaceutical compositions for the coordinated delivery of NSAIDs | 28 Feb, 2023 | Expired |
US8557285 | Pharmaceutical compositions for the coordinated delivery of NSAIDs | 31 May, 2022 | Expired |
US8852636 | Pharmaceutical compositions for the coordinated delivery of NSAIDs | 31 May, 2022 | Expired |
US8858996 | Pharmaceutical compositions for the coordinated delivery of NSAIDS | 31 May, 2022 | Expired |
US9161920 | Pharmaceutical compositions for the coordinated delivery of NSAIDs | 31 May, 2022 | Expired |
US9198888 | Pharmaceutical compositions for the coordinated delivery of NSAIDs | 31 May, 2022 | Expired |
US9345695 | Pharmaceutical compositions for the coordinated delivery of NSAIDs | 31 May, 2022 | Expired |
US9707181 | Pharmaceutical compositions for the coordinated delivery of NSAIDs | 31 May, 2022 | Expired |
US6488960 | Corticosteroid formulation | 14 Mar, 2020 | Expired |
US6677326 | Corticosteroid formulation comprising less than 2.5 mg prednisolone for once daily administration | 14 Mar, 2020 | Expired |
US6369085 | Form of S-omeprazole | 25 Nov, 2018 | Expired |
US7411070 | Form of S-omeprazole | 25 Nov, 2018 | Expired |
US7745466 | Form of S-omeprazole | 13 Oct, 2018 | Expired |
US6369085 | Form of S-omeprazole | 25 May, 2018 | Expired |
US7411070 | Form of S-omeprazole | 25 May, 2018 | Expired |
US5900424 | Omeprazole magnesium salt form | 04 Nov, 2016 | Expired |
US5900424 | Omeprazole magnesium salt form | 04 May, 2016 | Expired |
US5714504 | Compositions | 03 Aug, 2015 | Expired |
US5714504 | Compositions | 03 Feb, 2015 | Expired |
US6875872 | Compounds | 27 Nov, 2014 | Expired |
US6875872 | Compounds | 27 May, 2014 | Expired |
Latest Legal Activities on Horizon's Drug Patents
Given below is the list of recent legal activities going on the following drug patents of Horizon.
Activity | Date | Patent Number |
Maintenance Fee Reminder Mailed
| 15 Jul, 2024 | US8318202 (Litigated) |
Maintenance Fee Reminder Mailed
| 01 Jul, 2024 | US8309127 (Litigated) |
Expire Patent
| 24 Jun, 2024 | US9339552 (Litigated) |
Expire Patent
| 24 Jun, 2024 | US9339551 (Litigated) |
Payment of Maintenance Fee, 12th Year, Large Entity | 24 May, 2024 | US8309124 (Litigated) |
11.5 yr surcharge- late pmt w/in 6 mo, Large Entity | 24 May, 2024 | US8309124 (Litigated) |
Payment of Maintenance Fee, 8th Year, Large Entity | 23 May, 2024 | US9504699 |
Maintenance Fee Reminder Mailed
| 15 Apr, 2024 | US8252838 (Litigated) |
Maintenance Fee Reminder Mailed
| 08 Apr, 2024 | US9415029 |
Maintenance Fee Reminder Mailed
| 26 Feb, 2024 | US8217078 (Litigated) |
Maintenance Fee Reminder Mailed
| 19 Feb, 2024 | US9375412 |
Maintenance Fee Reminder Mailed
| 12 Feb, 2024 | US9370501 |
Payment of Maintenance Fee, 8th Year, Large Entity | 19 Jan, 2024 | US9393208 |
Maintenance Fee Reminder Mailed
| 08 Jan, 2024 | US9339551 (Litigated) |
Maintenance Fee Reminder Mailed
| 08 Jan, 2024 | US9339552 (Litigated) |
Horizon's Drug Patent Litigations
Horizon's drugs have been subject to various legal proceedings, including patent litigations. The earliest legal proceeding was initiated on Feb 24, 2015, against patent number US8557285. The petitioner Dr. Reddy's Lab., Inc., challenged the validity of this patent, with Pozen Inc. as the respondent. Click below to track the latest information on how companies are challenging Horizon's patents.
Patent | Proceeding Filing Date | Status | Respondent | Petitioner |
US9220698 | April, 2018 |
(09 Sep, 2019)
| Horizon Pharma USA, Inc. et al. | Dr. Reddy's Laboratories, Inc. |
US9393208 | December, 2017 |
Final Written Decision
(06 Sep, 2019)
| Horizon Pharma USA, Inc. et al. | Mylan Pharmaceuticals Inc. et al. |
US9393208 | July, 2018 |
(01 Apr, 2019)
| Pozen Inc. et al. | Dr. Reddy's Lab., Inc. et al. |
US9220698 | August, 2017 |
(27 Mar, 2019)
| Horizon Pharma USA, Inc. et al. | Mylan Pharmaceuticals Inc. et al. |
US8858996 | August, 2015 |
Final Written Decision
(28 Feb, 2017)
| Pozen Inc. et al. | Lupin Pharmaceuticals Inc. et al. |
US8945621 | August, 2015 |
FWD Entered
(21 Feb, 2017)
| Pozen Inc | Coalition for Affordable Drugs VII LLC |
US8852636 | August, 2015 |
(01 Mar, 2016)
| Pozen Inc. | Lupin Pharmaceuticals Inc |
US8852636 | August, 2015 |
(11 Feb, 2016)
| Pozen Inc. | Coalition for Affordable Drugs VII LLC |
US8858996 | June, 2015 |
(17 Dec, 2015)
| Pozen Inc. | Coalition for Affordable Drugs VII LLC |
US6926907 | May, 2015 |
(08 Dec, 2015)
| POZEN Inc. | Coalition for Affordable Drugs VII LLC |
US8557285 | February, 2015 |
(09 Oct, 2015)
| Pozen Inc. | Dr. Reddy's Lab., Inc. |
Horizon Drug Patents' Oppositions Filed in EPO
Horizon drug patents have faced multiple oppositions in the European Patent Office. The earliest opposition was filed on Apr 15, 2011, by Strawman Limited. This opposition was filed on patent number EP02734602A. Click below to reveal the latest opposition data.
Application | Filing Date | Opposition Party | Legal Status |
EP12169866A | Sep, 2020 | Alfred E. Tiefenbacher (GmbH & Co. KG) | Granted and Under Opposition |
EP07801510A | Jul, 2013 | Laboratorios Liconsa, S.A. | Patent maintained as amended |
EP02734602A | Apr, 2011 | CHATFIELD PHARMACEUTICALS LIMITED | Patent maintained as amended |
EP02734602A | Apr, 2011 | STRAWMAN LIMITED | Patent maintained as amended |
Horizon's Family Patents
Horizon Drug List
Given below is the complete list of Horizon's drugs and the patents protecting them.
1. Duexis
Duexis is protected by 6 patents, out of which none have expired yet. Check out its patent list below.
Drug Patent Number | Drug Patent Title | Drug Patent Expiry | Status |
US8067033 | Stable compositions of famotidine and ibuprofen |
18 Jul, 2026
(1 year, 6 months from now)
| Active |
US8067451 | Methods and medicaments for administration of ibuprofen |
18 Jul, 2026
(1 year, 6 months from now)
| Active |
US8309127 | Stable compositions of famotidine and ibuprofen |
18 Jul, 2026
(1 year, 6 months from now)
| Active |
US8318202 | Stable compositions of famotidine and ibuprofen |
18 Jul, 2026
(1 year, 6 months from now)
| Active |
US8449910 | Stable compositions of famotidine and ibuprofen |
18 Jul, 2026
(1 year, 6 months from now)
| Active |
US8501228 | Stable compositions of famotidine and ibuprofen |
18 Jul, 2026
(1 year, 6 months from now)
| Active |
Discover which of these patents contain the active ingredient(API) of the drug, their family patents, along with litigation and legal activity details of these patents on Duexis's drug page
2. Pennsaid
Pennsaid is protected by 19 patents, out of which none have expired yet. Check out its patent list below.
Drug Patent Number | Drug Patent Title | Drug Patent Expiry | Status |
US8546450 | Treatment of pain with topical diclofenac compounds |
09 Aug, 2030
(5 years from now)
| Active |
US8217078 | Treatment of pain with topical diclofenac |
10 Jul, 2029
(4 years from now)
| Active |
US8618164 | Treatment of pain with topical diclofenac compounds |
10 Jul, 2029
(4 years from now)
| Active |
US8741956 | Treatment of pain with topical diclofenac |
10 Jul, 2029
(4 years from now)
| Active |
US9370501 | Treatment of pain with topical diclofenac |
10 Jul, 2029
(4 years from now)
| Active |
US9375412 | Treatment of pain with topical diclofenac |
10 Jul, 2029
(4 years from now)
| Active |
US9415029 | Treatment of pain with topical diclofenac |
10 Jul, 2029
(4 years from now)
| Active |
US8252838 | Diclofenac topical formulation |
21 Apr, 2028
(3 years from now)
| Active |
US8563613 | Diclofenac topical formulation |
17 Oct, 2027
(2 years from now)
| Active |
US8871809 | Diclofenac topical formulation |
17 Oct, 2027
(2 years from now)
| Active |
US9066913 | Diclofenac topical formulation |
17 Oct, 2027
(2 years from now)
| Active |
US9101591 | Diclofenac topical formulation |
17 Oct, 2027
(2 years from now)
| Active |
US9132110 | Treatment of pain with topical diclofenac |
17 Oct, 2027
(2 years from now)
| Active |
US9168304 | Diclofenac topical formulation |
17 Oct, 2027
(2 years from now)
| Active |
US9168305 | Diclofenac topical formulation |
17 Oct, 2027
(2 years from now)
| Active |
US9220784 | Diclofenac topical formulation |
17 Oct, 2027
(2 years from now)
| Active |
US9339551 | Diclofenac topical formulation |
17 Oct, 2027
(2 years from now)
| Active |
US9339552 | Diclofenac topical formulation |
17 Oct, 2027
(2 years from now)
| Active |
US9539335 | Diclofenac topical formulation |
17 Oct, 2027
(2 years from now)
| Active |
Discover which of these patents contain the active ingredient(API) of the drug, their family patents, along with litigation and legal activity details of these patents on Pennsaid's drug page
3. Procysbi
Procysbi is protected by 25 patents, out of which none have expired yet. Check out its patent list below.
Drug Patent Number | Drug Patent Title | Drug Patent Expiry | Status |
| Methods for storing cysteamine formulations and related methods of treatment |
16 Feb, 2037
(12 years from now)
| Active |
| Methods for storing cysteamine formulations and related methods of treatment |
16 Feb, 2037
(12 years from now)
| Active |
| Methods for storing Cysteamine formulations and related methods of treatment |
16 Feb, 2037
(12 years from now)
| Active |
| Methods for storing cysteamine formulations and related methods of treatment |
16 Feb, 2037
(12 years from now)
| Active |
US10143665 | Methods for storing cysteamine formulations and related methods of treatment |
16 Aug, 2036
(11 years from now)
| Active |
US10328037 | Methods for storing cysteamine formulations and related methods of treatment |
16 Aug, 2036
(11 years from now)
| Active |
US10548859 | Methods for storing Cysteamine formulations and related methods of treatment |
16 Aug, 2036
(11 years from now)
| Active |
US10905662 | Methods for storing cysteamine formulations and related methods of treatment |
16 Aug, 2036
(11 years from now)
| Active |
| Delayed release cysteamine bead formulation, and methods of making and using same |
17 Dec, 2034
(10 years from now)
| Active |
| Delayed release cysteamine bead formulation, and methods of making and using same |
17 Dec, 2034
(10 years from now)
| Active |
US9173851 | Delayed release cysteamine bead formulation, and methods of making and using same |
17 Jun, 2034
(9 years from now)
| Active |
US9233077 | Delayed release cysteamine bead formulation, and methods of making and using same |
17 Jun, 2034
(9 years from now)
| Active |
| Enterically coated cystamine, cysteamine and derivatives thereof |
22 Mar, 2028
(3 years from now)
| Active |
US8026284 | Enterically coated cystamine, cysteamine and derivatives thereof |
22 Sep, 2027
(2 years from now)
| Active |
| Enterically coated cysteamine, cystamine and derivatives thereof |
26 Jul, 2027
(2 years from now)
| Active |
| Enterically coated cysteamine, cystamine and derivatives thereof |
26 Jul, 2027
(2 years from now)
| Active |
| Enterically coated cysteamine, cystamine and derivatives thereof |
26 Jul, 2027
(2 years from now)
| Active |
| Enterically coated cysteamine, cystamine and derivatives thereof |
26 Jul, 2027
(2 years from now)
| Active |
| Enterically coated cysteamine, cystamine and derivatives thereof |
26 Jul, 2027
(2 years from now)
| Active |
US8129433 | Enterically coated cysteamine, cystamine and derivatives thereof |
26 Jan, 2027
(2 years from now)
| Active |
US9192590 | Enterically coated cysteamine, cystamine and derivatives thereof |
26 Jan, 2027
(2 years from now)
| Active |
US9198882 | Enterically coated cysteamine, cystamine and derivatives thereof |
26 Jan, 2027
(2 years from now)
| Active |
US9925156 | Enterically coated cysteamine, cystamine and derivatives thereof |
26 Jan, 2027
(2 years from now)
| Active |
US9925157 | Enterically coated cysteamine, cystamine and derivatives thereof |
26 Jan, 2027
(2 years from now)
| Active |
US9925158 | Enterically coated cysteamine, cystamine and derivatives thereof |
26 Jan, 2027
(2 years from now)
| Active |
Discover which of these patents contain the active ingredient(API) of the drug, their family patents, along with litigation and legal activity details of these patents on Procysbi's drug page
4. Rayos
Rayos is protected by 8 patents, out of which 6 have expired. Check out its patent list below.
Drug Patent Number | Drug Patent Title | Drug Patent Expiry | Status |
US8168218 | Delayed release tablet with defined core geometry |
07 Jan, 2028
(3 years from now)
| Active |
US9504699 | Delayed-release glucocorticoid treatment of rheumatoid disease |
03 Aug, 2027
(2 years from now)
| Active |
US8309124 | Delayed release tablet with defined core geometry |
23 Apr, 2024
(7 months ago)
| Expired |
US8394407 | Delayed release tablet with defined core geometry |
23 Apr, 2024
(7 months ago)
| Expired |
US9040085 | Delayed release tablet with defined core geometry |
23 Apr, 2024
(7 months ago)
| Expired |
US9186332 | Delayed release tablet with defined core geometry |
23 Apr, 2024
(7 months ago)
| Expired |
US6488960 | Corticosteroid formulation |
14 Mar, 2020
(4 years ago)
| Expired |
US6677326 | Corticosteroid formulation comprising less than 2.5 mg prednisolone for once daily administration |
14 Mar, 2020
(4 years ago)
| Expired |
Discover which of these patents contain the active ingredient(API) of the drug, their family patents, along with litigation and legal activity details of these patents on Rayos's drug page
5. Vimovo
Vimovo is protected by 22 patents, out of which 19 have expired. Check out its patent list below.
Drug Patent Number | Drug Patent Title | Drug Patent Expiry | Status |
US8945621 | Method for treating a patient at risk for developing an NSAID-associated ulcer |
17 Oct, 2031
(6 years from now)
| Active |
US9220698 | Method for delivering a pharmaceutical composition to patient in need thereof |
10 Mar, 2031
(6 years from now)
| Active |
US9393208 | Method for delivering a pharmaceutical composition to patient in need thereof |
03 Sep, 2029
(4 years from now)
| Active |
US6926907 | Pharmaceutical compositions for the coordinated delivery of NSAIDs |
28 Feb, 2023
(1 year, 9 months ago)
| Expired |
US8557285 | Pharmaceutical compositions for the coordinated delivery of NSAIDs |
31 May, 2022
(2 years ago)
| Expired |
US8852636 | Pharmaceutical compositions for the coordinated delivery of NSAIDs |
31 May, 2022
(2 years ago)
| Expired |
US8858996 | Pharmaceutical compositions for the coordinated delivery of NSAIDS |
31 May, 2022
(2 years ago)
| Expired |
US9161920 | Pharmaceutical compositions for the coordinated delivery of NSAIDs |
31 May, 2022
(2 years ago)
| Expired |
US9198888 | Pharmaceutical compositions for the coordinated delivery of NSAIDs |
31 May, 2022
(2 years ago)
| Expired |
US9345695 | Pharmaceutical compositions for the coordinated delivery of NSAIDs |
31 May, 2022
(2 years ago)
| Expired |
US9707181 | Pharmaceutical compositions for the coordinated delivery of NSAIDs |
31 May, 2022
(2 years ago)
| Expired |
| Form of S-omeprazole |
25 Nov, 2018
(6 years ago)
| Expired |
| Form of S-omeprazole |
25 Nov, 2018
(6 years ago)
| Expired |
US7745466 | Form of S-omeprazole |
13 Oct, 2018
(6 years ago)
| Expired |
US6369085 | Form of S-omeprazole |
25 May, 2018
(6 years ago)
| Expired |
US7411070 | Form of S-omeprazole |
25 May, 2018
(6 years ago)
| Expired |
| Omeprazole magnesium salt form |
04 Nov, 2016
(8 years ago)
| Expired |
US5900424 | Omeprazole magnesium salt form |
04 May, 2016
(8 years ago)
| Expired |
| Compositions |
03 Aug, 2015
(9 years ago)
| Expired |
US5714504 | Compositions |
03 Feb, 2015
(9 years ago)
| Expired |
| Compounds |
27 Nov, 2014
(10 years ago)
| Expired |
US6875872 | Compounds |
27 May, 2014
(10 years ago)
| Expired |
Discover which of these patents contain the active ingredient(API) of the drug, their family patents, along with litigation and legal activity details of these patents on Vimovo's drug page