Genentech, Inc. Drug Patent Portfolio
Genentech, Inc. owns 6 purple book drugs protected by 63 US patents with Herceptin having the least patent protection, holding only 1 patent. And Actemra with maximum patent protection, holding 35 patents. Given below is the list of Genentech, Inc.'s drug patents along with their expiration dates.
Drug Patent Number | Drug Patent Title | Drug Patent Expiry | Status |
US12030959 | Anti-IgE antibody therapy for multiple food allergies | 20 Jul, 2043 | Active |
US10112994 | Methods of producing two chain proteins in bacteria | 05 Nov, 2035 | Active |
US10336983 | Method for increasing the specific production rate of eukaryotic cells | 31 Jul, 2035 | Active |
US10208355 | Method of treatment for glioblastoma by administering a VEGF antagonist | 14 Jul, 2035 | Active |
US10274466 | Elucidation of ion exchange chromatography input optimization | 11 Jul, 2035 | Active |
US10017732 | Cell culture compositions with antioxidants and methods for polypeptide production | 25 Dec, 2034 | Active |
US9441035 | Cell culture media and methods of antibody production | 23 Apr, 2034 | Active |
US10676710 | Cell culture compositions with antioxidants and methods for polypeptide production | 14 Mar, 2034 | Active |
US10829732 | Cell culture compositions with antioxidants and methods for polypeptide production | 14 Mar, 2034 | Active |
US9765379 | Harvest operations for recombinant proteins | 10 Mar, 2034 | Active |
US10906934 | Protein purification methods | 12 Oct, 2033 | Active |
US10421984 | Methods for reducing norleucine misincorporation into proteins using a microorganism comprising a mutant metA allele | 19 Sep, 2033 | Active |
US9630988 | Method for preparing a composition comprising highly concentrated antibodies by ultrafiltration | 13 Jun, 2033 | Active |
US10590164 | Method for preparing a composition comprising highly concentrated antibodies by ultrafiltration | 19 Mar, 2033 | Active |
US10513697 | CO2 profile cultivation | 17 Sep, 2032 | Active |
US9750752 | Subcutaneously administered anti-IL-6 receptor antibody | 30 Aug, 2032 | Active |
US9539263 | Subcutaneously administered anti-IL-6 receptor antibody for treatment of systemic sclerosis | 23 May, 2032 | Active |
US10874677 | Subcutaneously administered anti-IL-6 receptor antibody | 02 Mar, 2032 | Active |
US9487809 | Decreasing lactate level and increasing polypeptide production by downregulating the expression of lactate dehydrogenase and pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase | 14 Jan, 2032 | Active |
US10231981 | Subcutaneously administered anti-IL-6 receptor antibody for treatment of juvenile idiopathic arthritis | 03 Dec, 2031 | Active |
US11667720 | Subcutaneously administered anti-IL-6 receptor antibody | 07 Nov, 2031 | Active |
US8580264 | Subcutaneously administered anti-IL-6 receptor antibody | 07 Nov, 2031 | Active |
US10704071 | Decreasing lactate level and increasing polypeptide production by down regulating the expression of lactate dehydrogenase and pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase | 18 Aug, 2031 | Active |
US10662237 | Method to improve virus filtration capacity | 07 Aug, 2031 | Active |
US10011856 | Decreasing lactate level and increasing polypeptide production by downregulating the expression of lactate dehydrogenase and pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase | 26 May, 2031 | Active |
US8512983 | Production of proteins in glutamine-free cell culture media | 04 Jan, 2031 | Active |
US10501769 | Method for the production of a glycosylated immunoglobulin | 25 Oct, 2030 | Active |
US11021728 | Method for the production of a glycosylated immunoglobulin | 25 Oct, 2030 | Active |
US11136610 | Method for the production of a glycosylated immunoglobulin | 25 Oct, 2030 | Active |
US11377678 | Method for the production of a glycosylated immunoglobulin | 25 Oct, 2030 | Active |
US10982003 | Production of proteins in glutamine-free cell culture media | 06 Aug, 2030 | Active |
US9714293 | Production of proteins in glutamine-free cell culture media | 06 Aug, 2030 | Active |
US8568720 | High concentration antibody-containing liquid formulation | 05 Nov, 2029 | Active |
US8460895 | Method for producing recombinant proteins with a constant content of pCO2 in the medium | 08 Aug, 2029 | Active |
US11136375 | Method for production of antibody | 19 Jul, 2029 | Active |
US11008394 | High concentration antibody-containing liquid formulation | 26 Dec, 2028 | Active |
US11359026 | High concentration antibody-containing liquid formulation | 26 Dec, 2028 | Active |
US11584798 | High concentration antibody-containing liquid formulation | 26 Dec, 2028 | Active |
US11078294 | Prevention of disulfide bond reduction during recombinant production of polypeptides | 08 Jul, 2028 | Active |
US8574869 | Prevention of disulfide bond reduction during recombinant production of polypeptides | 08 Jul, 2028 | Active |
US10906986 | Prevention of disulfide bond reduction during recombinant production of polypeptides | 08 Jul, 2028 | Active |
US10808037 | Prevention of disulfide bond reduction during recombinant production of polypeptides | 08 Jul, 2028 | Active |
US10759866 | Prevention of disulfide bond reduction during recombinant production of polypeptides | 08 Jul, 2028 | Active |
US11987637 | Prevention of disulfide bond reduction during recombinant production of polypeptides | 08 Jul, 2028 | Active |
US8398980 | Subtypes of humanized antibody against interleukin-6 receptor | 25 Feb, 2028 | Active |
US10450379 | Method for treating joint damage | 14 Nov, 2026 | Active |
US10654940 | Method for treating joint damage | 14 Nov, 2026 | Active |
US8617550 | Treatment of vasculitis with IL-6 antagonist | 03 Mar, 2026 | Active |
US10034940 | High concentration antibody and protein formulations | 04 Nov, 2025 | Active |
US7976838 | Therapy of autoimmune disease in a patient with an inadequate response to a TNF-α inhibitor | 30 Jun, 2025 | Active |
US9902777 | Methods for producing subtypes of humanized antibody against interleukin-6 receptor | 28 May, 2025 | Active |
US8734800 | Subtypes of humanized antibody against interleukin-6 receptor | 24 Mar, 2025 | Active |
US7485704 | Reducing protein A leaching during protein A affinity chromatography | 08 Mar, 2025 | Active |
US8709409 | Method for treating rheumatoid arthritis by administering an anti-IL-6 antibody and methotrexate | 22 Jun, 2024 | Active |
US9795672 | Treatment with anti-VEGF antibodies | 28 May, 2024 | Active |
US10744201 | Method for treating rheumatoid arthritis with a human IL-6 receptor antibody and methotrexate | 28 Apr, 2024 | Active |
US7521052 | Methods for treating interleukin-6 related diseases | 28 Apr, 2024 | Active |
US8383773 | Protein product and method for reducing biomass-biomass interactions | 13 Dec, 2023 | Active |
US6921659 | Protease-deficient cells | 17 Oct, 2023 | Active |
US7332289 | Method of purifying protein | 04 Aug, 2023 | Active |
US9688775 | System for antibody expression and assembly | 31 Dec, 2022 | Active |
US6828121 | Bacterial host strains | 08 Jul, 2022 | Active |
US6716602 | Metabolic rate shifts in fermentations expressing recombinant proteins | 01 Nov, 2021 | Active |
Genentech, Inc.'s Family Patents
Genentech, Inc. Drug List
Given below is the complete list of Genentech, Inc.'s drugs and the patents protecting them.
1. Actemra
Actemra is protected by 35 patents, out of which 4 have expired. Check out its patent list below.
Drug Patent Number | Drug Patent Title | Drug Patent Expiry | Status |
US10336983 | Method for increasing the specific production rate of eukaryotic cells |
31 Jul, 2035
(10 years from now)
| Active |
US10017732 | Cell culture compositions with antioxidants and methods for polypeptide production |
25 Dec, 2034
(10 years from now)
| Active |
US10676710 | Cell culture compositions with antioxidants and methods for polypeptide production |
14 Mar, 2034
(9 years from now)
| Active |
US10829732 | Cell culture compositions with antioxidants and methods for polypeptide production |
14 Mar, 2034
(9 years from now)
| Active |
US9630988 | Method for preparing a composition comprising highly concentrated antibodies by ultrafiltration |
13 Jun, 2033
(8 years from now)
| Active |
US10590164 | Method for preparing a composition comprising highly concentrated antibodies by ultrafiltration |
19 Mar, 2033
(8 years from now)
| Active |
US9750752 | Subcutaneously administered anti-IL-6 receptor antibody |
30 Aug, 2032
(7 years from now)
| Active |
US9539263 | Subcutaneously administered anti-IL-6 receptor antibody for treatment of systemic sclerosis |
23 May, 2032
(7 years from now)
| Active |
US10874677 | Subcutaneously administered anti-IL-6 receptor antibody |
02 Mar, 2032
(7 years from now)
| Active |
US10231981 | Subcutaneously administered anti-IL-6 receptor antibody for treatment of juvenile idiopathic arthritis |
03 Dec, 2031
(6 years from now)
| Active |
US11667720 | Subcutaneously administered anti-IL-6 receptor antibody |
07 Nov, 2031
(6 years from now)
| Active |
US8580264 | Subcutaneously administered anti-IL-6 receptor antibody |
07 Nov, 2031
(6 years from now)
| Active |
US10662237 | Method to improve virus filtration capacity |
07 Aug, 2031
(6 years from now)
| Active |
US8512983 | Production of proteins in glutamine-free cell culture media |
04 Jan, 2031
(6 years from now)
| Active |
US10501769 | Method for the production of a glycosylated immunoglobulin |
25 Oct, 2030
(5 years from now)
| Active |
US11021728 | Method for the production of a glycosylated immunoglobulin |
25 Oct, 2030
(5 years from now)
| Active |
US11136610 | Method for the production of a glycosylated immunoglobulin |
25 Oct, 2030
(5 years from now)
| Active |
US11377678 | Method for the production of a glycosylated immunoglobulin |
25 Oct, 2030
(5 years from now)
| Active |
US10982003 | Production of proteins in glutamine-free cell culture media |
06 Aug, 2030
(5 years from now)
| Active |
US9714293 | Production of proteins in glutamine-free cell culture media |
06 Aug, 2030
(5 years from now)
| Active |
US8568720 | High concentration antibody-containing liquid formulation |
05 Nov, 2029
(4 years from now)
| Active |
US11136375 | Method for production of antibody |
19 Jul, 2029
(4 years from now)
| Active |
US11008394 | High concentration antibody-containing liquid formulation |
26 Dec, 2028
(4 years from now)
| Active |
US11359026 | High concentration antibody-containing liquid formulation |
26 Dec, 2028
(4 years from now)
| Active |
US11584798 | High concentration antibody-containing liquid formulation |
26 Dec, 2028
(4 years from now)
| Active |
US11078294 | Prevention of disulfide bond reduction during recombinant production of polypeptides |
08 Jul, 2028
(3 years from now)
| Active |
US8574869 | Prevention of disulfide bond reduction during recombinant production of polypeptides |
08 Jul, 2028
(3 years from now)
| Active |
US8398980 | Subtypes of humanized antibody against interleukin-6 receptor |
25 Feb, 2028
(3 years from now)
| Active |
US8617550 | Treatment of vasculitis with IL-6 antagonist |
03 Mar, 2026
(1 year, 2 months from now)
| Active |
US9902777 | Methods for producing subtypes of humanized antibody against interleukin-6 receptor |
28 May, 2025
(4 months from now)
| Active |
US8734800 | Subtypes of humanized antibody against interleukin-6 receptor |
24 Mar, 2025
(2 months from now)
| Active |
US8709409 | Method for treating rheumatoid arthritis by administering an anti-IL-6 antibody and methotrexate |
22 Jun, 2024
(6 months ago)
| Expired |
US10744201 | Method for treating rheumatoid arthritis with a human IL-6 receptor antibody and methotrexate |
28 Apr, 2024
(7 months ago)
| Expired |
US7521052 | Methods for treating interleukin-6 related diseases |
28 Apr, 2024
(7 months ago)
| Expired |
US7332289 | Method of purifying protein |
04 Aug, 2023
(1 year, 4 months ago)
| Expired |
Discover which of these patents contain the active ingredient(API) of the drug, their family patents, along with litigation and legal activity details of these patents on Actemra's drug page
2. Avastin
Avastin is protected by 12 patents, out of which 1 has expired. Check out its patent list below.
Drug Patent Number | Drug Patent Title | Drug Patent Expiry | Status |
US10208355 | Method of treatment for glioblastoma by administering a VEGF antagonist |
14 Jul, 2035
(10 years from now)
| Active |
US10274466 | Elucidation of ion exchange chromatography input optimization |
11 Jul, 2035
(10 years from now)
| Active |
US9441035 | Cell culture media and methods of antibody production |
23 Apr, 2034
(9 years from now)
| Active |
US10906934 | Protein purification methods |
12 Oct, 2033
(8 years from now)
| Active |
US10513697 | CO2 profile cultivation |
17 Sep, 2032
(7 years from now)
| Active |
US9487809 | Decreasing lactate level and increasing polypeptide production by downregulating the expression of lactate dehydrogenase and pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase |
14 Jan, 2032
(7 years from now)
| Active |
US10704071 | Decreasing lactate level and increasing polypeptide production by down regulating the expression of lactate dehydrogenase and pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase |
18 Aug, 2031
(6 years from now)
| Active |
US10011856 | Decreasing lactate level and increasing polypeptide production by downregulating the expression of lactate dehydrogenase and pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase |
26 May, 2031
(6 years from now)
| Active |
US8460895 | Method for producing recombinant proteins with a constant content of pCO2 in the medium |
08 Aug, 2029
(4 years from now)
| Active |
US10906986 | Prevention of disulfide bond reduction during recombinant production of polypeptides |
08 Jul, 2028
(3 years from now)
| Active |
US7485704 | Reducing protein A leaching during protein A affinity chromatography |
08 Mar, 2025
(2 months from now)
| Active |
US9795672 | Treatment with anti-VEGF antibodies |
28 May, 2024
(6 months ago)
| Expired |
Discover which of these patents contain the active ingredient(API) of the drug, their family patents, along with litigation and legal activity details of these patents on Avastin's drug page
3. Herceptin
Herceptin is protected by 1 patent, which is still active. Check out its patent list below.
Drug Patent Number | Drug Patent Title | Drug Patent Expiry | Status |
US10808037 | Prevention of disulfide bond reduction during recombinant production of polypeptides |
08 Jul, 2028
(3 years from now)
| Active |
Discover which of these patents contain the active ingredient(API) of the drug, their family patents, along with litigation and legal activity details of these patents on Herceptin's drug page
4. Lucentis
Lucentis is protected by 8 patents, out of which 5 have expired. Check out its patent list below.
Drug Patent Number | Drug Patent Title | Drug Patent Expiry | Status |
US10112994 | Methods of producing two chain proteins in bacteria |
05 Nov, 2035
(10 years from now)
| Active |
US9765379 | Harvest operations for recombinant proteins |
10 Mar, 2034
(9 years from now)
| Active |
US10421984 | Methods for reducing norleucine misincorporation into proteins using a microorganism comprising a mutant metA allele |
19 Sep, 2033
(8 years from now)
| Active |
US8383773 | Protein product and method for reducing biomass-biomass interactions |
13 Dec, 2023
(1 year, 14 days ago)
| Expired |
US6921659 | Protease-deficient cells |
17 Oct, 2023
(1 year, 2 months ago)
| Expired |
US9688775 | System for antibody expression and assembly |
31 Dec, 2022
(1 year, 11 months ago)
| Expired |
US6828121 | Bacterial host strains |
08 Jul, 2022
(2 years ago)
| Expired |
US6716602 | Metabolic rate shifts in fermentations expressing recombinant proteins |
01 Nov, 2021
(3 years ago)
| Expired |
Discover which of these patents contain the active ingredient(API) of the drug, their family patents, along with litigation and legal activity details of these patents on Lucentis's drug page
5. Rituxan
Rituxan is protected by 4 patents, out of which none have expired yet. Check out its patent list below.
Drug Patent Number | Drug Patent Title | Drug Patent Expiry | Status |
US10759866 | Prevention of disulfide bond reduction during recombinant production of polypeptides |
08 Jul, 2028
(3 years from now)
| Active |
US10450379 | Method for treating joint damage |
14 Nov, 2026
(1 year, 10 months from now)
| Active |
US10654940 | Method for treating joint damage |
14 Nov, 2026
(1 year, 10 months from now)
| Active |
US7976838 | Therapy of autoimmune disease in a patient with an inadequate response to a TNF-α inhibitor |
30 Jun, 2025
(6 months from now)
| Active |
Discover which of these patents contain the active ingredient(API) of the drug, their family patents, along with litigation and legal activity details of these patents on Rituxan's drug page
Explore Our Curated Drug Screens
6. Xolair
Xolair is protected by 3 patents, out of which none have expired yet. Check out its patent list below.
Drug Patent Number | Drug Patent Title | Drug Patent Expiry | Status |
US12030959 | Anti-IgE antibody therapy for multiple food allergies |
20 Jul, 2043
(18 years from now)
| Active |
US11987637 | Prevention of disulfide bond reduction during recombinant production of polypeptides |
08 Jul, 2028
(3 years from now)
| Active |
US10034940 | High concentration antibody and protein formulations |
04 Nov, 2025
(10 months from now)
| Active |
Discover which of these patents contain the active ingredient(API) of the drug, their family patents, along with litigation and legal activity details of these patents on Xolair's drug page