Eagle Pharms Drug Patent Portfolio
Eagle Pharms owns 4 orange book drugs protected by 27 US patents Given below is the list of Eagle Pharms's drug patents along with their expiration dates.
Drug Patent Number | Drug Patent Title | Drug Patent Expiry | Status |
US11793813 | Pemetrexed formulations | 19 Feb, 2036 | Active |
US9604990 | Crystalline forms of pemetrexed diacid and manufacturing processes therefor | 28 Oct, 2035 | Active |
US10052385 | Formulations of bendamustine | 15 Mar, 2033 | Active |
US9000021 | Method of treating bendamustine-responsive conditions in patients requiring reduced volumes for administration | 15 Mar, 2033 | Active |
US9034908 | Formulations of bendamustine | 15 Mar, 2033 | Active |
US9144568 | Formulations of bendamustine | 15 Mar, 2033 | Active |
US9572887 | Formulations of bendamustine | 15 Mar, 2033 | Active |
US9579384 | Method of treating bendamustine-responsive conditions in patients requiring reduced volumes for administration | 15 Mar, 2033 | Active |
US9597397 | Formulations of bendamustine | 15 Mar, 2033 | Active |
US9597398 | Formulations of bendamustine | 15 Mar, 2033 | Active |
US9597399 | Formulations of bendamustine | 15 Mar, 2033 | Active |
US8609707 | Formulations of bendamustine | 11 Aug, 2031 | Active |
US10010533 | Formulations of bendamustine | 28 Jan, 2031 | Active |
US11103483 | Formulations of bendamustine | 28 Jan, 2031 | Active |
US11844783 | Formulations of bendamustine | 28 Jan, 2031 | Active |
US11872214 | Formulations of Bendamustine | 28 Jan, 2031 | Active |
US9265831 | Formulations of bendamustine | 28 Jan, 2031 | Active |
US9572796 | Formulations of bendamustine | 28 Jan, 2031 | Active |
US9572797 | Formulations of bendamustine | 28 Jan, 2031 | Active |
US8791270 | Bendamustine pharmaceutical compositions | 12 Jul, 2026 | Active |
US8791270 | Bendamustine pharmaceutical compositions | 12 Jan, 2026 | Active |
US7758890 | Treatment using dantrolene | 30 Jun, 2025 | Active |
US8685460 | Treatment using dantrolene | 15 Feb, 2023 | Expired |
US8110225 | Treatment using dantrolene | 24 Dec, 2022 | Expired |
US8604072 | Treatment using dantrolene | 20 Jul, 2022 | Expired |
US9884044 | Treatment using dantrolene | 13 Jun, 2022 | Expired |
US7772209 | Antifolate combination therapies | 24 May, 2022 | Expired |
Latest Legal Activities on Eagle Pharms's Drug Patents
Given below is the list of recent legal activities going on the following drug patents of Eagle Pharms.
Activity | Date | Patent Number |
Expire Patent
| 11 Mar, 2024 | US8110225 |
Patent eGrant Notification | 16 Jan, 2024 | US11872214 |
Email Notification
| 16 Jan, 2024 | US11872214 |
Recordation of Patent eGrant | 16 Jan, 2024 | US11872214 |
Recordation of Patent Grant Mailed
| 16 Jan, 2024 | US11872214 |
Patent Issue Date Used in PTA Calculation
| 16 Jan, 2024 | US11872214 |
Email Notification
| 16 Jan, 2024 | US11872214 |
Recordation of Patent Grant Mailed
| 16 Jan, 2024 | US11872214 |
Recordation of Patent eGrant | 16 Jan, 2024 | US11872214 |
Patent eGrant Notification | 16 Jan, 2024 | US11872214 |
Patent Issue Date Used in PTA Calculation
| 16 Jan, 2024 | US11872214 |
Mail Patent eGrant Notification | 16 Jan, 2024 | US11872214 |
Mail Patent eGrant Notification | 16 Jan, 2024 | US11872214 |
Email Notification
| 28 Dec, 2023 | US11872214 |
Email Notification
| 28 Dec, 2023 | US11872214 |
Eagle Pharms's Drug Patent Litigations
Eagle Pharms's drugs have been subject to various legal proceedings, including patent litigations. The earliest legal proceeding was initiated on Jun 14, 2013, against patent number US7772209. The petitioner Accord Healthcare, Inc., USA, challenged the validity of this patent, with Eli Lilly and Company as the respondent. Click below to track the latest information on how companies are challenging Eagle Pharms's patents.
Patent | Proceeding Filing Date | Status | Respondent | Petitioner |
US7772209 | November, 2015 |
FWD Entered
(05 Oct, 2017)
| Eli Lilly and Company | Neptune Generics, LLC |
US7772209 | December, 2015 |
FWD Entered
(05 Oct, 2017)
| Eli Lilly and Company | Sandoz Inc. |
US7772209 | June, 2016 |
FWD Entered
(05 Oct, 2017)
| Eli Lilly and Company | Wockhardt Bio AG |
US7772209 | July, 2016 |
FWD Entered
(05 Oct, 2017)
| Eli Lilly and Company | Apotex Inc. |
US7772209 | July, 2016 |
FWD Entered
(05 Oct, 2017)
| Eli Lilly and Company | Teva Pharmaceuticals USA, Inc. |
US7772209 | July, 2016 |
FWD Entered
(05 Oct, 2017)
| Eli Lilly and Company | Wockhardt Bio AG |
US7772209 | July, 2016 |
FWD Entered
(05 Oct, 2017)
| Eli Lilly and Company | Apotex Inc. |
US8791270 | October, 2015 |
(25 Aug, 2016)
| Cephalon, Inc. | Fresenius Kabi USA, LLC |
US8791270 | October, 2015 |
(13 Apr, 2016)
| Cephalon, Inc. | AGILA SPECIALTIES INC. |
US7772209 | June, 2013 |
(01 Oct, 2013)
| Eli Lilly and Company | Accord Healthcare, Inc., USA |
Eagle Pharms Drug Patents' Oppositions Filed in EPO
Eagle Pharms drug patents have faced multiple oppositions in the European Patent Office. The earliest opposition was filed on Jan 17, 2008, by Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd.. This opposition was filed on patent number EP01948214A. Click below to reveal the latest opposition data.
Application | Filing Date | Opposition Party | Legal Status |
EP11737745A | Jul, 2017 | FRKelly | Patent maintained as amended |
EP11737745A | Jul, 2017 | Wittkopp, Alexander | Patent maintained as amended |
EP11737745A | Jul, 2017 | Fresenius Kabi Deutschland GmbH | Patent maintained as amended |
EP11737745A | Jul, 2017 | isarpatent - Patent- und Rechtsanwälte Behnisch Barth Charles Hassa Peckmann und Partner mbB | Patent maintained as amended |
EP06718390A | Jan, 2014 | Accord Healthcare | Revoked |
EP06718390A | Jan, 2014 | Taylor Wessing LLP | Revoked |
EP06718390A | Jan, 2014 | Gallafent, Alison | Revoked |
EP06718390A | Jan, 2014 | Bendalis GmbH | Revoked |
EP06718390A | Dec, 2013 | Actavis Group PTC ehf | Revoked |
EP06718390A | Dec, 2013 | LEK Pharmaceuticals d.d. | Revoked |
EP06718390A | Dec, 2013 | Helm AG | Revoked |
EP01948214A | Oct, 2012 | Actavis Deutschland GmbH & Co. KG | Opposition rejected |
EP01948214A | Jan, 2008 | Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd. | Opposition rejected |
Eagle Pharms's Family Patents
Eagle Pharms Drug List
Given below is the complete list of Eagle Pharms's drugs and the patents protecting them.
1. Belrapzo
Belrapzo is protected by 9 patents, out of which none have expired yet. Check out its patent list below.
Drug Patent Number | Drug Patent Title | Drug Patent Expiry | Status |
US8609707 | Formulations of bendamustine |
11 Aug, 2031
(6 years from now)
| Active |
US10010533 | Formulations of bendamustine |
28 Jan, 2031
(6 years from now)
| Active |
US11103483 | Formulations of bendamustine |
28 Jan, 2031
(6 years from now)
| Active |
US11844783 | Formulations of bendamustine |
28 Jan, 2031
(6 years from now)
| Active |
US11872214 | Formulations of Bendamustine |
28 Jan, 2031
(6 years from now)
| Active |
US9265831 | Formulations of bendamustine |
28 Jan, 2031
(6 years from now)
| Active |
US9572796 | Formulations of bendamustine |
28 Jan, 2031
(6 years from now)
| Active |
US9572797 | Formulations of bendamustine |
28 Jan, 2031
(6 years from now)
| Active |
US8791270 | Bendamustine pharmaceutical compositions |
12 Jan, 2026
(1 year, 24 days from now)
| Active |
Discover which of these patents contain the active ingredient(API) of the drug, their family patents, along with litigation and legal activity details of these patents on Belrapzo's drug page
2. Bendeka
Bendeka is protected by 19 patents, out of which none have expired yet. Check out its patent list below.
Drug Patent Number | Drug Patent Title | Drug Patent Expiry | Status |
US10052385 | Formulations of bendamustine |
15 Mar, 2033
(8 years from now)
| Active |
US9000021 | Method of treating bendamustine-responsive conditions in patients requiring reduced volumes for administration |
15 Mar, 2033
(8 years from now)
| Active |
US9034908 | Formulations of bendamustine |
15 Mar, 2033
(8 years from now)
| Active |
US9144568 | Formulations of bendamustine |
15 Mar, 2033
(8 years from now)
| Active |
US9572887 | Formulations of bendamustine |
15 Mar, 2033
(8 years from now)
| Active |
US9579384 | Method of treating bendamustine-responsive conditions in patients requiring reduced volumes for administration |
15 Mar, 2033
(8 years from now)
| Active |
US9597397 | Formulations of bendamustine |
15 Mar, 2033
(8 years from now)
| Active |
US9597398 | Formulations of bendamustine |
15 Mar, 2033
(8 years from now)
| Active |
US9597399 | Formulations of bendamustine |
15 Mar, 2033
(8 years from now)
| Active |
US8609707 | Formulations of bendamustine |
11 Aug, 2031
(6 years from now)
| Active |
US10010533 | Formulations of bendamustine |
28 Jan, 2031
(6 years from now)
| Active |
US11103483 | Formulations of bendamustine |
28 Jan, 2031
(6 years from now)
| Active |
US11844783 | Formulations of bendamustine |
28 Jan, 2031
(6 years from now)
| Active |
US11872214 | Formulations of Bendamustine |
28 Jan, 2031
(6 years from now)
| Active |
US9265831 | Formulations of bendamustine |
28 Jan, 2031
(6 years from now)
| Active |
US9572796 | Formulations of bendamustine |
28 Jan, 2031
(6 years from now)
| Active |
US9572797 | Formulations of bendamustine |
28 Jan, 2031
(6 years from now)
| Active |
| Bendamustine pharmaceutical compositions |
12 Jul, 2026
(1 year, 6 months from now)
| Active |
US8791270 | Bendamustine pharmaceutical compositions |
12 Jan, 2026
(1 year, 24 days from now)
| Active |
Discover which of these patents contain the active ingredient(API) of the drug, their family patents, along with litigation and legal activity details of these patents on Bendeka's drug page
3. Pemfexy
Pemfexy is protected by 3 patents, out of which 1 has expired. Check out its patent list below.
Drug Patent Number | Drug Patent Title | Drug Patent Expiry | Status |
US11793813 | Pemetrexed formulations |
19 Feb, 2036
(11 years from now)
| Active |
US9604990 | Crystalline forms of pemetrexed diacid and manufacturing processes therefor |
28 Oct, 2035
(10 years from now)
| Active |
US7772209 | Antifolate combination therapies |
24 May, 2022
(2 years ago)
| Expired |
Discover which of these patents contain the active ingredient(API) of the drug, their family patents, along with litigation and legal activity details of these patents on Pemfexy's drug page
4. Ryanodex
Ryanodex is protected by 5 patents, out of which 4 have expired. Check out its patent list below.
Drug Patent Number | Drug Patent Title | Drug Patent Expiry | Status |
US7758890 | Treatment using dantrolene |
30 Jun, 2025
(6 months from now)
| Active |
US8685460 | Treatment using dantrolene |
15 Feb, 2023
(1 year, 10 months ago)
| Expired |
US8110225 | Treatment using dantrolene |
24 Dec, 2022
(1 year, 11 months ago)
| Expired |
US8604072 | Treatment using dantrolene |
20 Jul, 2022
(2 years ago)
| Expired |
US9884044 | Treatment using dantrolene |
13 Jun, 2022
(2 years ago)
| Expired |
Discover which of these patents contain the active ingredient(API) of the drug, their family patents, along with litigation and legal activity details of these patents on Ryanodex's drug page