Celator Pharms Drug Patent Portfolio

Celator Pharms owns 1 orange book drug protected by 9 US patents Given below is the list of Celator Pharms's drug patents along with their expiration dates.

Drug Patent Number Drug Patent Title Drug Patent Expiry Status
US10028912 Method of lyophilizing liposomes 15 Oct, 2032
US10166184 Method of lyophilizing liposomes 15 Oct, 2032
US10835492 Method of lyophilizing liposomes 15 Oct, 2032
US8092828 Fixed drug ratios for treatment of hematopoietic cancers and proliferative disorders 01 Apr, 2029
US8022279 Liposomal formulations of anthracycline agents and cytidine analogs 14 Sep, 2027
US7850990 Compositions for delivery of drug combinations 23 Jan, 2027
US9271931 Compositions for delivery of drug combinations 23 Jan, 2027
US8518437 Lipid carrier compositions with enhanced blood stability 07 Jun, 2026
US8431806 Liposomal formulations of anthracycline agents and cytidine analogs 22 Apr, 2025

Given below is the list of recent legal activities going on the following drug patents of Celator Pharms.

Activity Date Patent Number
Patent litigations
Payment of Maintenance Fee, 4th Year, Large Entity 01 May, 2024 US10835492
Payment of Maintenance Fee, 12th Year, Large Entity 28 Jun, 2023 US8092828
Payment of Maintenance Fee, 12th Year, Large Entity 08 Mar, 2023 US8022279
Correspondence Address Change 07 Mar, 2023 US8518437
Correspondence Address Change 27 Feb, 2023 US8092828
Correspondence Address Change 27 Feb, 2023 US8431806
Change in Power of Attorney (May Include Associate POA) 03 Jan, 2023 US8431806
Change in Power of Attorney (May Include Associate POA) 03 Jan, 2023 US8092828
Email Notification 03 Jan, 2023 US8431806
Change in Power of Attorney (May Include Associate POA) 03 Jan, 2023 US10028912
Change in Power of Attorney (May Include Associate POA) 03 Jan, 2023 US10166184
Change in Power of Attorney (May Include Associate POA) 03 Jan, 2023 US10835492
Email Notification 03 Jan, 2023 US8092828
Email Notification 03 Jan, 2023 US10028912
Email Notification 03 Jan, 2023 US10166184

Celator Pharms's Drug Patent Litigations

Celator Pharms's drugs have been subject to various legal proceedings, including patent litigations. The earliest legal proceeding was initiated on Dec 06, 2010, against patent number US8518437. The petitioner , challenged the validity of this patent, with Paul Tardi et al as the respondent. Click below to track the latest information on how companies are challenging Celator Pharms's patents.

Patent Proceeding Filing Date Status Respondent Petitioner
Patent litigations
US9271931 October, 2012 Decision
(31 Aug, 2015)
Paul Tardi et al
US8518437 December, 2010 Decision
(05 Mar, 2013)
Paul Tardi et al

Celator Pharms Drug Patents' Oppositions Filed in EPO

Celator Pharms drug patents have faced multiple oppositions in the European Patent Office. The earliest opposition was filed on Aug 15, 2018, by Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd. This opposition was filed on patent number EP08730048A. Click below to reveal the latest opposition data.

Application Filing Date Opposition Party Legal Status
Patent litigations
EP17200498A Oct, 2022 Generics [UK] Limited Granted and Under Opposition
EP17200498A Oct, 2022 SANDOZ AG Granted and Under Opposition
EP17200498A Oct, 2022 STADA Arzneimittel AG Granted and Under Opposition
EP12841616A Apr, 2020 D Young & Co LLP Granted and Under Opposition
EP12841616A Apr, 2020 SANDOZ AG Granted and Under Opposition
EP08730048A Aug, 2018 Generics (U.K.) Limited Revoked
EP08730048A Aug, 2018 Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd Revoked

Celator Pharms's Family Patents

Celator Pharms drugs have patent protection in a total of 25 countries. It's US patent count contributes only to 27.5% of its total global patent coverage. 4 countries have all of their patents expired or invalidated which has opened up potential generic launch opportunities in these countries. Click below to unlock the full patent family tree.

Family Patents

Celator Pharms Drug List

Given below is the complete list of Celator Pharms's drugs and the patents protecting them.

1. Vyxeos

Vyxeos is protected by 9 patents, out of which none have expired yet. Check out its patent list below.

Drug Patent Number Drug Patent Title Drug Patent Expiry Status
US10028912 Method of lyophilizing liposomes 15 Oct, 2032
(8 years from now)
US10166184 Method of lyophilizing liposomes 15 Oct, 2032
(8 years from now)
US10835492 Method of lyophilizing liposomes 15 Oct, 2032
(8 years from now)
US8092828 Fixed drug ratios for treatment of hematopoietic cancers and proliferative disorders 01 Apr, 2029
(4 years from now)
US8022279 Liposomal formulations of anthracycline agents and cytidine analogs 14 Sep, 2027
(2 years from now)
US7850990 Compositions for delivery of drug combinations 23 Jan, 2027
(2 years from now)
US9271931 Compositions for delivery of drug combinations 23 Jan, 2027
(2 years from now)
US8518437 Lipid carrier compositions with enhanced blood stability 07 Jun, 2026
(1 year, 7 months from now)
US8431806 Liposomal formulations of anthracycline agents and cytidine analogs 22 Apr, 2025
(6 months from now)

Discover which of these patents contain the active ingredient(API) of the drug, their family patents, along with litigation and legal activity details of these patents on Vyxeos's drug page

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