Axsome Malta Drug Patent Portfolio
Axsome Malta owns 1 orange book drug protected by 36 US patents Given below is the list of Axsome Malta's drug patents along with their expiration dates.
Drug Patent Number | Drug Patent Title | Drug Patent Expiry | Status |
US11771666 | Methods of administering solriamfetol to lactating women | 30 Dec, 2042 | Active |
US11771667 | Methods of administering solriamfetol to lactating women | 30 Dec, 2042 | Active |
US11779554 | Methods of administering solriamfetol to lactating women | 30 Dec, 2042 | Active |
US11793776 | Methods of administering solriamfetol to lactating women | 30 Dec, 2042 | Active |
US11872203 | Methods of administering solriamfetol to lactating women | 30 Dec, 2042 | Active |
US11872204 | Methods of administering solriamfetol to lactating women | 30 Dec, 2042 | Active |
US12005036 | Methods of administering solriamfetol to lactating women | 30 Dec, 2042 | Active |
US12036194 | Methods of administering solriamfetol to lactating women | 30 Dec, 2042 | Active |
US12064411 | Methods of administering solriamfetol to lactating women | 30 Dec, 2042 | Active |
US12090126 | Methods of administering solriamfetol to lactating women | 30 Dec, 2042 | Active |
US12102609 | Methods of administering solriamfetol to lactating women | 30 Dec, 2042 | Active |
US10940133 | Methods of providing solriamfetol therapy to subjects with impaired renal function | 19 Mar, 2040 | Active |
US11160779 | Methods of providing solriamfetol therapy to subjects with impaired renal function | 19 Mar, 2040 | Active |
US11839598 | Methods of providing solriamfetol therapy to subjects with impaired renal function | 19 Mar, 2040 | Active |
US11839599 | Methods of providing solriamfetol therapy to subjects with impaired renal function | 19 Mar, 2040 | Active |
US11850226 | Methods of providing solriamfetol therapy to subjects with impaired renal function | 19 Mar, 2040 | Active |
US11850227 | Methods of providing solriamfetol therapy to subjects with impaired renal function | 19 Mar, 2040 | Active |
US11850228 | Methods of providing solriamfetol therapy to subjects with impaired renal function | 19 Mar, 2040 | Active |
US11857528 | Methods of providing solriamfetol therapy to subjects with impaired renal function | 19 Mar, 2040 | Active |
US11969404 | Methods of providing solriamfetol therapy to subjects with impaired renal function | 19 Mar, 2040 | Active |
US11986454 | Methods of providing solriamfetol therapy to subjects with impaired renal function | 19 Mar, 2040 | Active |
US11986455 | Methods of providing solriamfetol therapy to subjects with impaired renal function | 19 Mar, 2040 | Active |
US11560354 | Compositions comprising (R)-2-amino-3-phenylpropyl carbamate and uses thereof | 06 Mar, 2039 | Active |
US10912754 | Methods and compositions for treating excessive sleepiness | 01 Jun, 2038 | Active |
US10959976 | Methods and compositions for treating excessive sleepiness | 01 Jun, 2038 | Active |
US11648232 | Methods and compositions for treating excessive sleepiness | 01 Jun, 2038 | Active |
US11865098 | Methods and compositions for treating excessive sleepiness | 01 Jun, 2038 | Active |
US10195151 | Formulations of (R)-2-amino-3-phenylpropyl carbamate | 05 Sep, 2037 | Active |
US10512609 | Formulations of (R)-2-amino-3-phenylpropyl carbamate | 05 Sep, 2037 | Active |
US11439597 | Formulations of (R)-2-amino-3-phenylpropyl carbamate | 05 Sep, 2037 | Active |
US11998639 | Formulations of (R)-2-amino-3-phenylpropyl carbamate | 05 Sep, 2037 | Active |
US8440715 | Treatment of sleep-wake disorders | 11 Jun, 2031 | Active |
US10351517 | Treatment of sleep-wake disorders | 07 Jun, 2026 | Active |
US11753368 | Treatment of sleep-wake disorders | 07 Jun, 2026 | Active |
US8877806 | Treatment of sleep-wake disorders | 07 Jun, 2026 | Active |
US9604917 | Treatment of sleep-wake disorders | 07 Jun, 2026 | Active |
Latest Legal Activities on Axsome Malta's Drug Patents
Given below is the list of recent legal activities going on the following drug patents of Axsome Malta.
Activity | Date | Patent Number |
Mail Patent eCofC Notification | 28 May, 2024 | US11969404 |
Patent eCofC Notification | 28 May, 2024 | US11969404 |
Recordation of Patent eCertificate of Correction | 28 May, 2024 | US11969404 |
Email Notification
| 28 May, 2024 | US11969404 |
Mail Patent eCofC Notification | 21 May, 2024 | US11771667 |
Patent eCofC Notification | 21 May, 2024 | US11771667 |
Email Notification
| 21 May, 2024 | US11771667 |
Recordation of Patent eCertificate of Correction | 21 May, 2024 | US11771667 |
Change in Power of Attorney (May Include Associate POA)
| 03 May, 2024 | US8877806 |
Email Notification
| 03 May, 2024 | US8877806 |
Email Notification
| 30 Apr, 2024 | US11969404 |
Recordation of Patent Grant Mailed
| 30 Apr, 2024 | US11969404 |
Mail Patent eGrant Notification | 30 Apr, 2024 | US11969404 |
Patent eGrant Notification | 30 Apr, 2024 | US11969404 |
Recordation of Patent eGrant | 30 Apr, 2024 | US11969404 |
Axsome Malta's Family Patents
Axsome Malta Drug List
Given below is the complete list of Axsome Malta's drugs and the patents protecting them.
1. Sunosi
Sunosi is protected by 36 patents, out of which none have expired yet. Check out its patent list below.
Drug Patent Number | Drug Patent Title | Drug Patent Expiry | Status |
US11771666 | Methods of administering solriamfetol to lactating women |
30 Dec, 2042
(18 years from now)
| Active |
US11771667 | Methods of administering solriamfetol to lactating women |
30 Dec, 2042
(18 years from now)
| Active |
US11779554 | Methods of administering solriamfetol to lactating women |
30 Dec, 2042
(18 years from now)
| Active |
US11793776 | Methods of administering solriamfetol to lactating women |
30 Dec, 2042
(18 years from now)
| Active |
US11872203 | Methods of administering solriamfetol to lactating women |
30 Dec, 2042
(18 years from now)
| Active |
US11872204 | Methods of administering solriamfetol to lactating women |
30 Dec, 2042
(18 years from now)
| Active |
US12005036 | Methods of administering solriamfetol to lactating women |
30 Dec, 2042
(18 years from now)
| Active |
US12036194 | Methods of administering solriamfetol to lactating women |
30 Dec, 2042
(18 years from now)
| Active |
US12064411 | Methods of administering solriamfetol to lactating women |
30 Dec, 2042
(18 years from now)
| Active |
US12090126 | Methods of administering solriamfetol to lactating women |
30 Dec, 2042
(18 years from now)
| Active |
US12102609 | Methods of administering solriamfetol to lactating women |
30 Dec, 2042
(18 years from now)
| Active |
US10940133 | Methods of providing solriamfetol therapy to subjects with impaired renal function |
19 Mar, 2040
(15 years from now)
| Active |
US11160779 | Methods of providing solriamfetol therapy to subjects with impaired renal function |
19 Mar, 2040
(15 years from now)
| Active |
US11839598 | Methods of providing solriamfetol therapy to subjects with impaired renal function |
19 Mar, 2040
(15 years from now)
| Active |
US11839599 | Methods of providing solriamfetol therapy to subjects with impaired renal function |
19 Mar, 2040
(15 years from now)
| Active |
US11850226 | Methods of providing solriamfetol therapy to subjects with impaired renal function |
19 Mar, 2040
(15 years from now)
| Active |
US11850227 | Methods of providing solriamfetol therapy to subjects with impaired renal function |
19 Mar, 2040
(15 years from now)
| Active |
US11850228 | Methods of providing solriamfetol therapy to subjects with impaired renal function |
19 Mar, 2040
(15 years from now)
| Active |
US11857528 | Methods of providing solriamfetol therapy to subjects with impaired renal function |
19 Mar, 2040
(15 years from now)
| Active |
US11969404 | Methods of providing solriamfetol therapy to subjects with impaired renal function |
19 Mar, 2040
(15 years from now)
| Active |
US11986454 | Methods of providing solriamfetol therapy to subjects with impaired renal function |
19 Mar, 2040
(15 years from now)
| Active |
US11986455 | Methods of providing solriamfetol therapy to subjects with impaired renal function |
19 Mar, 2040
(15 years from now)
| Active |
US11560354 | Compositions comprising (R)-2-amino-3-phenylpropyl carbamate and uses thereof |
06 Mar, 2039
(14 years from now)
| Active |
US10912754 | Methods and compositions for treating excessive sleepiness |
01 Jun, 2038
(13 years from now)
| Active |
US10959976 | Methods and compositions for treating excessive sleepiness |
01 Jun, 2038
(13 years from now)
| Active |
US11648232 | Methods and compositions for treating excessive sleepiness |
01 Jun, 2038
(13 years from now)
| Active |
US11865098 | Methods and compositions for treating excessive sleepiness |
01 Jun, 2038
(13 years from now)
| Active |
US10195151 | Formulations of (R)-2-amino-3-phenylpropyl carbamate |
05 Sep, 2037
(12 years from now)
| Active |
US10512609 | Formulations of (R)-2-amino-3-phenylpropyl carbamate |
05 Sep, 2037
(12 years from now)
| Active |
US11439597 | Formulations of (R)-2-amino-3-phenylpropyl carbamate |
05 Sep, 2037
(12 years from now)
| Active |
US11998639 | Formulations of (R)-2-amino-3-phenylpropyl carbamate |
05 Sep, 2037
(12 years from now)
| Active |
US8440715 | Treatment of sleep-wake disorders |
11 Jun, 2031
(6 years from now)
| Active |
US10351517 | Treatment of sleep-wake disorders |
07 Jun, 2026
(1 year, 5 months from now)
| Active |
US11753368 | Treatment of sleep-wake disorders |
07 Jun, 2026
(1 year, 5 months from now)
| Active |
US8877806 | Treatment of sleep-wake disorders |
07 Jun, 2026
(1 year, 5 months from now)
| Active |
US9604917 | Treatment of sleep-wake disorders |
07 Jun, 2026
(1 year, 5 months from now)
| Active |
Discover which of these patents contain the active ingredient(API) of the drug, their family patents, along with litigation and legal activity details of these patents on Sunosi's drug page