
Althera Pharms patents expiration

1. Roszet patents expiration

Drug Patent Number Company Drug Patent Title Drug Patent Expiry Activity Alert
These drug patents focus on the other aspects of the active substance like dosage, mode of administration (oral, tablet, capsules, liquids etc).
US9763885 ALTHERA PHARMS Oral tablet formulation consisting of fixed combination of rosuvastatin and ezetimibe for treatment of hyperlipidemia and cardiovascular diseases
May, 2033

(9 years from now)

US10376470 ALTHERA PHARMS Oral tablet formulation consisting of fixed combination of rosuvastatin and ezetimibe for treatment of hyperlipidemia and cardiovascular diseases
May, 2033

(9 years from now)

Drugs and Companies using EZETIMIBE; ROSUVASTATIN CALCIUM ingredient

Market Authorisation Date: 23 March, 2021

Treatment: Treatment of hyperlipidemia


More Information on Dosage

ROSZET family patents

Family Patents